Chapter Nine

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One Week Later

Josh's POV


<< Are you at the
theater yet? >>

<< Yeah, we're almost
set up. Is she awake? >>

<< Not yet. I'm letting her
sleep in. I'll let you know. >>

As I put my phone up, Nick calls me over. "Can you help me hang these streamers?" I do as he requested, stepping back to look at our work once they're up.

"Are you sure a surprise party is the best idea?" Ben asks, tying a balloon closed. "She doesn't seem like a surprise party type."

"Everyone wants some kind of party on their birthday. Why would Indiana be any different?" I shrug.

"What I still don't understand is why we had to be here so early." Sky sighs.

"Because we have a show tonight," Ben explains. "And we want to have the party on her birthday."

Sky nods. "Fine. Are we done with decorations?" He ties off a balloon he just inflated. "I'm getting hungry, and I was promised food."

"Yeah, there will be food at the party," Nick clarifies. "So you'll have to wait." I sit down on the small couch in the dressing room and pull out my phone.

Indiana Jones

<< Guess what day it is? >>

<< October 19 >>

<< Well, yes, but... >>

<< Oh right >>

<< I would wish you a happy
birthday, but I'll wait until
I see you in person >>

<< Where are you, anyway? >>

<< They asked if a few of us
could get here early to run
through some things.
No big deal. >>

<< Oh. I'll see you later I guess >>

"What time is Marlee bringing her here, again?" Ben asks me.
"One thirty, so we have time to hang out, and then get ready for the show tonight," I explain. "You guys are really bad at listening."
"You're not great at it, either," Sky says, shrugging. "When are we picking up the cake? It's past noon already."
"Then we're picking it up, now." Ben stands up. "Let's go, Sky." The two leave the room.
Nick turns to me. "Well, I guess we just hang out until they get back." He looks around. "I'm going to set up this table." After he does that, I arrange the few bags of chips on it, trying to make it look somewhat organized.

Once Ben and Sky return with the cake, more cast members begin to file into the room, chatting quietly.

Indiana's POV
Marlee's left me alone most of the day, which is great. In the early afternoon, she gets a phone call from Josh. When she hangs up, she turns to me. "I'm going to head to the theater a little early to run a few songs. Why don't you come with me?"
I shrug. "I have nothing else to do." Putting on a hoodie and grabbing my phone, I walk with Marlee to the theater. She's unusually quiet on the way. When we get inside, I sigh, enjoying the warmth of the building. "I'm going to go see if they need help with getting stuff set up on stage."
"Wait!" Marlee stops me. "Can you come with me to the rehearsal room for a minute?'
"Why?" I ask slowly. I don't have a reason to go there; I'm not rehearsing anything.
She shrugs. "Uh, I heard Mr. Calhoun wants to speak with you," she says, sounding unsure of herself.
"In the rehearsal room?" Raising my eyebrows a bit, I cross my arms. When Marlee nods, I sigh. Considering that Marlee acts for a living, she's a really bad liar. "Fine." I trail behind her the whole way to the rehearsal room. The lights in the room are off, which completely negates Marlee's story of Mr. Calhoun waiting for me. Before I can find an excuse, the lights turn on, and the room is full of shouts of "surprise!" as the faces of the cast and crew smile at me. I smile slightly, for their sake, but a surprise party is not my thing. I spend the afternoon trying to have fun. It's not as bad as I was afraid of, but it's not great, either.
Several hours later, as the cast is getting ready for the show, Josh finds me sitting outside Marlee's dressing room. "Hey," he says with a small smile. "How's your birthday been?"
"A little overwhelming," I answer honestly. "But not awful. Thanks for the party."
He sits down next to me. "I didn't get a chance to give you your birthday present earlier." He hands me a bag.
"Josh, you didn't have to."
"Just open it," he says happily. I take the tissue paper out of the bag, and pull out the gift. It's a Newsies sweatshirt. "You're always saying that the theaters are cold," he explains. "And it'll be something you can have to remember the tour once it's over."
I nod. "Thanks, Josh. I'll be wearing this a lot." He smiles still. "Well, you should probably get in costume. Break a leg out there tonight."
"Thanks!" With a grin as bright as ever, Josh gets up and trots back inside the dressing room.

woah, another update?
how has everyone's day been? :)
also! I made an Instagram account for broadway covers and stuff like that. my user is @ so y'all should check it out
thanks for reading!

Good as Gold // Josh BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now