Chapter Fifteen

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Somehow, I don't gather up enough courage to ask Indy on a date before the show. During intermission, she's sent into our dressing room to help with the makeup. According to Sky, who somehow knows about my plan, this is the perfect time to ask her.

Once she finishes helping with Ben's makeup, I call her over. "Can you help me with my eye?"

"Yeah." She nods, walking over to me and picking up the makeup. "Look up so I can get under your eye." I follow her instructions as she layers on the makeup, trying to make a realistic bruise.

"While you're here, I have something I want to ask you about," I say, trying to keep my breathing even.

"Stop talking. You're moving too much." Indy blends the colors together. I guess I'll have to ask her after she's done. After a minute, she steps back to check out her work. "I think you're done," she says with a nod. "What do you think?"

I look at the makeup in the mirror, tilting my head to get a different angle. "Yeah, it looks great." I smile at Indy. "Thank you."

She nods in response. "Yeah, sure." She turns to help someone else.

"Wait, Indy," I say, turning around. "I was going to ask you something."

She stops. "Yeah?"

Glancing around at the rest of the boys in the room, I realize it may not be the best decision to ask around them. "Uh, can we go out in the hallway?" I request, and Indy nods. I stand and leave the room, resulting in a few whistles and cheers coming from my friends. That's the exact reason why I want to ask her outside.

"Okay, what's up?" She crosses her arms once we're outside the room.

Now all I have to do is not freak out. "Right," I say with a deep breath. "S-so I was wondering if you...are you...wait," I stop myself, trying to figure out how to phrase it. "Indy, I-" I stop again, trying to stay calm. I know my face is red and I can't do anything about it.

"Yes, Josh?" She looks at me expectantly. I meet her eyes and instantly regret it. She is way out of my league. She's too beautiful.

Taking a few deep breaths, I close my eyes and get out quickly, "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me on Monday."

Her silence causes me to peek open my eyes. She's looking at me with a stunned expression. "You want to go on a date? With me? Are you sure?"

"Mhm." I nod. "Why? Is that surprising?"

"I mean, I-" She stops to run a hand through her red hair. "Yeah. Yeah, it's surprising. I did not expect you to do that."

Suddenly, all the doubts I'd been suppressing freed themselves, flying around my mind. "D-did I ask too early? If you don't want to, I completely understand." She doesn't say anything. "You don't want to, okay. I'm sorry," I mumble, embarrassed. But as I turn to go back into the dressing room, she stops me.

"Josh, I didn't give you an answer," she says quietly, still somewhat stunned. "You said Monday?"

I nod. "Yeah. Monday afternoon."

"I guess I'll meet you in the hotel lobby. How does one thirty sound?"

I smile, the weight that had been hanging on my shoulders disappearing. "That sounds perfect."

"Cool." Indy nods. "Now you should probably get ready for King of New York." A shadow of a smile flickers across her face, making her ten times more beautiful. "I might be watching from backstage."

I can't wipe the grin off my face. "I'll see you later." I grab my cap from the dressing room and join Ben as he walks back toward the stage.

"How'd it go?" He asks.

"She smiled at me."

Good as Gold // Josh BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now