Chapter Nineteen

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man I hope y'all get the reference in this chapter. if not, wow.
anyway this one is a filler chapter but I love it.

Two Weeks Later

After the cast rehearses to get used to the stage in Fort Lauderdale, we all head back to the hotel. Marlee catches up with me as I walk to the elevator.

"Hey, Indiana." I turn when she says my name. "A few of us are headed to the beach to just hang out, do you want to come?"

I shrug. "Sure. No swimming?"

She shakes her head. "No. Well, the boys are a bit unpredictable, but I won't be. We're meeting back down in the lobby in twenty minutes so everyone can get changed and freshen up. See you in a few." She smiles and heads down the hallway to her room as I do the same.

When I get to my room, I change into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I pull my hair up in a ponytail so it won't blow in my face. Changing shoes, I grab my phone and head back downstairs. Sky and Ben are already there.

"Who else is coming?" I ask, settling on one of the couches in the lobby.

"We're waiting on Josh and Marlee," Sky says, looking up from his phone. "I think it's supposed to rain tonight, so hopefully there won't be too many people there."

I look out one of the windows to see the sky. "It's cloudy already."

"Is it going to rain?" Josh asks, approaching us with Marlee behind him.

"Probably." Ben nods. "So we should get going." The five of us leave the hotel and head for the beach, which is within walking distance, thankfully. I remove my shoes once we reach the sand so I can walk easier.

"I'm going to the water," I tell the group, and they follow. I stand where the water reaches my ankles when a wave comes. However, the moment I'm touched by the water, I quickly step back.

"What?" Josh watches me with an amused grin.

"It's freezing," I hiss. "That was a bad idea."

He shrugs. "It can't be that bad. You just have to get used to it."

"Let me see." Sky walks forward and steps in the water. "It's not too bad," he says, wincing at first. "Josh is right."

I shake my head. "I'm good, thanks."

I zone out, watching the waves as the boys get into a splashing fight, kicking water at each other. A splash of frigid water brings me crashing back to reality. I turn to the boys, and Ben and Sky point accusing fingers at Josh. "He did it," they say in unison.

"You did not just splash me," I say, narrowing my eyes. "That was a bad idea." I hand my phone to Marlee and splash Josh back. We go back and forth until both of us are damp.

"Okay, stop!" Josh calls, raising his hands in surrender. "I don't want to get completely wet. I call for a truce."

I nod, reaching out my hand to shake on it. "Truce."

As he's about to shake my hand, Josh kicks a little bit of water at me, grinning. I drop my hand and his smile falls once he sees the look in my eyes. "Joshua Burrage!" I shout, beginning to chase after him. He runs in a zig-zag pattern all over the beach, but he's faster than me. Eventually, I give up. For another ten minutes, Josh keeps his distance from me, just in case.

Soon, Ben and Josh end up doing flips in the sand, trying to one-up each other in a friendly competition. I talk to Marlee, only partly paying attention to the boys.

"I never really got the chance to talk to you about that date," Marlee says. "Josh said you couldn't go."

I nod. "Yeah, I wasn't feeling well, so I stayed in. But he brought me snacks and stayed in with me all day." I smile slightly as I recount what we did.

Marlee crosses her arms. "You're smiling."

"Hm?" My expression changes instantly. "No, I wasn't."

Marlee grins. "Yes, you were! I saw it." She drops the subject when I don't respond. "Josh is a sweet kid. He really likes you, you know."

Luckily, Ben comes up before I can answer. "Hey, Marlee, can you video something for us?"

"Yeah." She shrugs and takes his phone. "Go," she says once she starts recording.

"Hey! This is Ben Cook." Ben claps.

Josh points at the camera. "And Josh Burrage."

"And this is some really cool tumbling on the beach." Ben claps a few more times before he and Josh get a running start. The video is ruined, however, when both of them fall flat on the sand. At least Josh gets a full cartwheel in before falling, but Ben just trips.

Marlee, Sky, and I burst out laughing. "Please, send that to me," Sky requests between laughs.

I nod. "Me too. That was the greatest thing I've ever seen." With a few taps on Ben's phone, she sends the video to both of us.

"We're fine, thanks for asking," Josh says, walking over and brushing the sand off his clothes. We spend about twenty more minutes on the beach, only deciding to leave once the rain begins to sprinkle. The cold rain and the wind on the beach are not a good mix. I shiver as we walk back toward the road, wishing I had brought a jacket.

"Are you cold?" Josh asks, walking next to me. "You shivered."

"I'm good, thanks." I nod once, but Josh is already pulling off his hoodie. "Josh, seriously." I give him a look. "I'm fine. You'll be cold now."

"I'll be fine." He doesn't listen to me and hands the hoodie to me. With a defeated sigh, I take it, secretly grateful for the extra warmth. It's only after I'm back in the hotel room that I realize I forgot to return it.

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