Chapter Five

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Josh's POV
After our conversation, Indiana pulls out earbuds and starts watching Netflix. I turn to Sky. "We're friends," I say quietly with a small smile.
"What?" He turns to me.
"Indy and I are friends." I smile more.
"Cool." Sky phrases the word more like a question, confused about why this is a big deal.
I huff. "Where are Ben and Marlee?" He motions behind him, and I see them toward the back of the bus. Carefully standing up, I make my way to the back and take an empty seat across the aisle from them.
"Hey." Marlee gives me a tired smile. "What's up?"
"Guess what just happened?"
Ben shrugs.
"Apparently Indy and I are friends, now," I say.
Marlee smiles. "Josh! That's a step in the right direction." She high fives me. "How did that happen?"
"She said her cousin was bugging her about making friends, and that she made a promise to make at least one friend. I told her that she's already made one, and she was surprised, but said we're friends."
"That was faster than I thought," Ben mumbles. "No offense, but I thought it would be someone like Sky who would befriend her first. Someone less...enthusiastic."
"That is very offensive, Benjamin," I say. "I think I'm an excellent choice for a first friend."
"No, that's not what I was saying," he argues, but he's stopped by Marlee placing her hand on his arm.
"This isn't something that's worth getting in an argument over, is it?" She asks. "Ben misspoke. What he was trying to say was that he's just surprised she's taken such a liking to you so quickly. Nothing against you, but it just doesn't seem to be her personality. Okay?"
I nod, giving Ben a pointed look. "Thank you, Marlee." I decide to stay in that seat for a while, letting Indy sit by herself. I end up starting a conversation with Zach, who plays Crutchie.

Indiana's POV
I glance up as Josh leaves, but I don't ask where he's going. I'm left with a few blissful moments by myself, but I'm interrupted yet again when someone says my name. Removing an earbud to hear, I find KP standing at my seat.
"Sorry, what?" I ask.
"I was just wondering if I could sit with you for a little bit," he says, and I shrug, despite Marlee's opinions. KP takes the seat next to me. "So how are you liking tour life so far?"
"We've just been in a bus for a few hours. That's all the 'tour life' I've experienced yet," I state. "Have you been on tour before?"
"No." He shakes his head. "So this is new to me, too. I'm liking it so far." I nod. "You're not one to talk much, are you?" He asks.
"Not really," I say.
"That's okay." He grins slightly. "You make up for it because you're pretty."
I raise my eyebrows, unimpressed. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Indiana is a really pretty name by the way. A nice name for a nice-looking girl."
"Okay," I say quietly. "You need to leave. Now."
KP laughs softly, unfazed. He glances behind him and sees that Josh is coming back. "Okay. I'll see you around." He stands, winks, and moves back to his seat.
"What was KP doing here?" Josh asks, taking his seat.
I roll my eyes. "Being annoying. But I handled it."
"I don't like him." Josh shakes his head. "If he's ever bothering you, let me know."
"That's sweet, but I can take care of myself, Josh. Thanks anyway." I put my earbuds back in and continue watching the movie as if nothing had happened.

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