Chapter Twelve

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As it turns out, the party is being held at the theater in a rehearsal room. Marlee and I arrive early so we can get ready in her assigned dressing room. It seems like everyone else had the same idea. While Marlee and I get ready, we can very clearly hear the boys blasting Thriller by Michael Jackson. I can imagine most of them are doing the dance, too.

While I'm finishing braiding my hair, Marlee layers on bright red lipstick. Her costume looks really good to have been put together an hour and a half ago. She found a pair of black leather pants, somehow, and she's wearing them with a black top and red heels.

"Okay." She lets out a sigh once she finishes. "Ready?"

I nod, grabbing the hat that Anthony lent me. "Let's go."

After almost getting lost, we find the rehearsal room. The lights inside are off, but lanterns and string lights illuminate the darkness. Music plays from a stereo in the corner, and on the far wall is a table with refreshments. Most of the cast is already there when we arrive. Ben spots us first and walks over. "Hey, you look great, Indy," he says. Slipping an arm around Marlee's waist, he turns his attention to her. "So do you," he mumbles to her, a small smirk growing on his face. He leans in and kisses her.

I roll my eyes. "Get a room," I mutter, leaving them alone. I wander around for a few more minutes before deciding to grab a drink. I fill a cup with whatever punch is provided and stand near one of the walls. As I'm surveying the room, KP walks up to me.

"So, you're Indiana Jones, huh?" He grins. "That's ironic. You look good in that jacket."

"It's Marlee's," I reply, sipping my drink and glancing at his layered button-down and orange vest. "And you are?"

He gives me a look. "Oh, come on. I'm Marty McFly." When I give no response, he says, "From Back to the Future. Haven't you seen it?"

I shake my head. "No. Doesn't he, like, date his mom or something in that movie? Why would you ever want to dress as him?"

"No,'s complicated." KP shakes his head. "I will see to it that you watch the movie before tour ends." We stand there in a few more seconds of silence. "Come dance with me," he says.

I shake my head. "I'm good."

"What? No, come on."

"I don't dance." I shrug. "Sorry."

He scoffs. "That's ridiculous. It's not a big deal. Come on."

As he keeps pleading and I keep turning him down, I'm saved by Josh joining our conversation. "What's going on?" He asks, looking between the two of us.

"She won't come dance with me," KP explains, crossing his arms.

I shrug again. "I don't want to."

"And she doesn't have to," Josh adds, coming to my defense.

KP sighs after a moment. "Whatever. I'll see you around." He leaves the two of us alone.

Josh turns to me. "Was he bothering you?"

"No, we were just having a conversation." I look at Josh. "Nice costume." He's wearing a tan shirt, a black vest, and dark pants. A makeshift blaster holster hangs from his belt.

He grins. "Thanks, yours too. Khaki suits you."

"You think so?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Everyone looks great, actually. I'm surprised we were able to pull this together so quickly." After spending a moment looking over the room, Josh turns back to me, but he doesn't say anything. He just looks at me.

"What?" I ask after about thirty seconds, glancing down at my shirt. "Did I spill something?"

"Uh, n-no," Josh stutters, sounding as if I'd snapped him out of a daydream. His face reddens. "No, you didn't. You're good. I'm gonna go get a drink," he says, quickly walking away. Weird.

After another hour at the party, I step out, needing some space. I make my way back to Marlee's dressing room and sit down in front of the mirror, deciding to give myself fifteen minutes before I have to return. As I look through Instagram, I see multiple cast members already posting pictures and videos of the party on their stories. Unfortunately, my alone time is cut short when someone lightly knocks on the open door.

"How do you always manage to find me when I don't want to be found?" I mutter under my breath, earning a laugh from KP.

"Actually, I just saw you leave the party. I wanted to see where you went." He leans against the doorframe, hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans.

I turn to look up at him. "Here I am," I say flatly.

He takes the seat next to me with a sigh and looks at me. "So. What's your favorite musical?"

My eyes narrow slightly. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get to know you better," he explains with a smile. "Do you think I have, like, ulterior motives or something? You seem like you could use a friend or two. So, what's your favorite musical?"

"Uh, I don't know," I say with a shrug. "I've always liked Into the Woods, I guess."

He nods. "Solid choice. It's a little dark, but it's a good one."

"Is there anything wrong with a dark musical?" I raise my eyebrows, and KP shakes his head. I look back down at my phone.

"Okay." He pauses, thinking of what to say next. "You know, I'm glad you took off your hat," he says as he motions it sitting on the counter. "I can see your eyes better." When I look up, he's considerably closer to me than he was before. "They're really pretty."

With a heavy sigh, I pick up the hat, place it on my head, and stand up. "I should be getting back to the party. Bye." Without looking back, I leave the dressing room. Before I can get there, I run into Josh.

"Oh, hey, I was just coming to look for you," he says. "Anthony said he saw you leaving the party. Are you okay?"

I nod. "I'm fine."

"Good." Josh glances back the way he had come. "Do you want to go back to the hotel? It's getting a little crazy in there, and we're supposed to have a show tomorrow anyway. I don't want to use up all my energy."

Honestly, I had been wanting to go back to the hotel. I just didn't want to go by myself. "Yeah, that sounds good."

Josh steps back into the party to inform Ben of our plans, and the two of us walk back to the hotel together, deciding to watch a movie in my room. "Don't be upset," Josh starts as we walk inside, "But can we watch Indiana Jones?"

"Of course." I roll my eyes and kick my boots off.

"Is that a yes?"

As I sit down on the bed, I shrug. "Whatever you want, I guess." With a happy sigh, Josh turns on the tv and finds one of the movies.

Marlee returns when the movie is almost over.
Josh stops the movie. "I should be getting back to the room anyway. Goodnight, ladies." Smiling slightly, he leaves our room.

I must be bored a lot, since I update when I'm bored.....and I update a lot
oh well
thanks for reading!! :)

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