Chapter Eight

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Josh's POV
The next morning, we pile back on the bus and go to the theater where we'll be performing that evening. About an hour after we arrive, someone knocks on the door of the boys' dressing room.
"I have everyone's coffee," Indy calls when someone opens the door for her. "For those of you who wanted some." I didn't want any, but I walk over to the doorway. She sighs when she sees me. "When I took this job, I did not think I would be the girl doing coffee runs."
"It's just the first day," I say, trying to cheer her up.

She's not having it. "Watch me do this exact same thing tomorrow," she mumbles. "I gotta take these to Dan and Marlee." She motions with her head to the two remaining cups.

"Can I walk with you?"

"Don't you have other things to do?" Indy takes a step away from the door. "I think they're going to be rehearsing some numbers on the stage once they have the set ready." She leaves to deliver the coffees.

"I don't know why you try," Zach says, watching me. "I would have given up the moment I met her."

I shrug. "Some people need a friend. You never know." One of my lines from the show echoes in my head: A little grease and she'll be good as gold. While Indiana certainly isn't a printing press, the same principle could be applied. Maybe all she needs is a friend to break through her rough exterior.

"At least she's talking to you willingly in more than a few sentences." Zach turns to go back to his mirror. I sit back down.

"She is kind of cute, though," someone says from across the room.

"Yeah, in a bite-your-head-off kind of way," someone else says, earning laughs.

"Cut her some slack, she's in a new place surrounded by a bunch of new people," I speak up. "She may not be the most friendly person, but maybe she just has to be comfortable around us to relax."

"And she's pretty, isn't she?" I don't notice the smug grin on Sky's face as he asks the question.

"She has really pretty blue eyes," I say softly. They're an icy blue most of the time, but yesterday on the bus, her cold demeanor melted when I called her my friend. Her icy blue eyes became a beautiful ocean blue for a split second.

"Mhm." Sky watches me, grinning.

I roll my eyes. "We're friends, Skyler. No need to get excited."

Luckily, before Sky or anyone else can argue, a crew member requests that we go rehearse a few numbers on stage.

Indiana's POV
There isn't much for me to do until it gets closer to showtime. I end up just hanging out with Marlee in her dressing room since I have nothing better to do. When we get the thirty minutes call, Marlee enlists my help so I'll have something to do. She gives me a quick tutorial on how to do pin curls, and I begin twisting her hair up so she can wear her wig.

"There," I say once I pin the last section of hair into place. "Done."
Marlee examines my work in the mirror. "I'm impressed. And you went quickly, too. Good job!" She turns to smile at me.
"Are you nervous?"
She lets out an anxious laugh. "Why would I be? It's only my first real performance on tour. What could possibly go wrong?" She questions with a strained smile.
"Don't tell anyone I told you this, but break a leg," I state, leaving the dressing room before I can see her reaction.

The moment I step outside, however, I regret leaving. KP is standing in the hallway outside, on his phone. He looks up when he sees me and smiles. "Indiana. I haven't seen you much today."

"That was on purpose," I say bluntly, crossing my arms.

He chuckles. "And here I was, thinking we could actually be friends. What do you have against me?" He asks curiously.

I shrug. "Don't take it personally. I don't like most people. You're not special." As I move to walk past him, he sticks his arm out, preventing me from passing.

"You don't mean that."

"Actually, I do. And I have better things to do than stand here talking to you." I push his arm out of the way and walk further down the hallway, having no clue where I'm going. I just don't want to be around KP.

As usual, the noise coming from the boys' dressing room is overwhelmingly loud. The only thing I can pick out is Nick yelling about someone taking his phone. I shake my head and sigh. Boys.

"Indiana!" Nick shouts as he pokes his head out the door. "Have you seen my phone? Or do you know who took it?"

I shake my head. "I don't know anything."

He turns back into the room in response to giggling. "Joshua Burrage! I knew it!" I walk over and pull the door shut, muffling the loud voices from inside.

I spend the next half hour running random errands for cast members and keeping myself busy. Josh catches me as he exits the dressing room, wearing his Darcy costume.

"Indy! Hey!" He grins.

Sky exits the dressing room behind Josh and smacks him on the butt. "Places, let's go!"

"Ow!" He glares at Sky, then turns back to me. "Will you be watching from backstage?"

"I don't think so," I say. "I'll be back here, waiting for intermission."

His smile falters and he nods. "Cool. You should hang out backstage for one of the shows, though."

"I'll see you at intermission. Have fun out there."

Josh grins and waves as he hurries off to the stage.

Good as Gold // Josh BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now