Chapter Twenty

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Two Weeks Later
The day before the tour leaves Orlando, we all go to Disney World. When our bus drops us off at the Magic Kingdom gate, we get off happily. I haven't been to Disney World since I was about eight years old.

"Okay, everyone!" Olivia, the stage manager, claps a few times to get everyone's attention once we're through security. "Stay in groups of at least two. We'll meet back here after the park closes. Have fun!" Everyone disperses, gathering in groups.

"Hey!" Josh walks up to me eagerly. "Do you want to be my partner?"

Glancing around, I notice that most people have already gone into the park. "Sure. Why not?"

"Yay!" He cheers. "Okay, where to first?"

Picking up a map, I look at it. "Let's go all the way back and make our way forward. Do you want to check out the line for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride?"

"Yeah." Josh nods, grabbing my hand. "Let's go." I don't move, looking at my hand in his with a raised eyebrow. Josh blushes lightly. "So I don't lose you. It's crowded," he explains, and I follow him as we weave through families.

When we stop to check the map, I look around. "I think we went too far. We missed it."

Josh looks at the map over my shoulder. "I didn't see it. Did we completely walk by it?" He studies the map, shaking his head. "No, we just went straight around Adventureland. We need to go that way." He points to my left.

"No. You have the map backwards. We need to go that way." I point to my right.

"Let's ask someone."

"No, I know where I'm going," I argue, but Josh doesn't listen.

When he asks an employee, the woman points to our left. Josh turns back to me with a smug smile. "This way."

"Shut up." I shove his shoulder as we walk in the right direction. Eventually, we find the ride, and after waiting for an hour,  we finally get on a boat.

"Did you know that they added Jack Sparrow into this ride to fit the movies?" Josh speaks quietly as the ride begins.

I turn to him. "Do you know random facts about the parks?" I laugh softly.

"Don't judge me. I like to read fun facts."

"Nerd," I tease. Josh shushes me as the ride continues. He points out a few things every now and then, but he's quiet for the most part. We make our way around Adventureland, meeting Jack Sparrow and riding a few rides. We go back through Frontierland, and then walk to Liberty Square.

I gasp when I see the Haunted Mansion. "We have to go!"

"No," Josh says, not moving.

"Oh, come on! You're not scared, are you?" I cross my arms.

"No," he says again, his voice faltering. "I'm not scared."

"It's a short ride. It's fun." When he doesn't move, I grab his wrist and pull him toward the entrance. "It'll be fun."

Josh is quiet as we wait in line. As we get closer to the ride, he starts to look more afraid. "Do we have to?" He asks as we come to doom buggies.

"You'll be fine," I say, and he follows me to sit down. I take his hand. Just for the ride, I try to convince myself. Just because he's scared. Then you can let go. As the ride begins, he clutches tightly to my hand. I don't look at Josh much, but I'm pretty sure he has his eyes closed most of the ride.

"Is it over?" He asks in a small voice, peeking one eye open as we near the end.

I stand up as we prepare to disembark the buggy. "It's over." Josh opens both his eyes and steps out in front of me. It's only once we're outside of the mansion that I realize my hand is still in his. Hoping he doesn't notice, I decide to leave it.

Good as Gold // Josh BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now