Chapter Six

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After several more hours, we arrive at our hotel. Josh is asleep next to me, so I gently shake him.
"Hm?" He hums, stirring.
"We're here, Josh." I say, standing up.
"Five more minutes," he mumbles, but his wish is not granted. When Sky sees Josh asleep, he grabs his pillow and smacks Josh's face with it. Josh jumps up. "Ow! What was that for?"
Sky grins. "We're getting off the bus. You're blocking Indiana's way out."
"You didn't have to hit me," Josh grumbles, grabbing his bag and shuffling out of the seat. He walks to the front of the bus.
"I didn't have to, but I wanted to," Sky says to me with a shrug and a wide grin.
"I thought it was pretty funny," I comment, following Josh down the aisle of the bus. Sky follows behind me. It's raining outside, so as soon as I grab my bag, I hurry under the cover at the hotel's front door. Once everyone is inside, we get our room keys.
Josh finds me in the crowd. "What room are you in?" He asks happily. "I'm in 315 with Ben."
I look down at my key card. "317."
"That means we're right next to each other!" Josh beams. "That's exciting." Ben calls him over to the elevator. Josh gives me a wave. "I'll see you tomorrow morning!" He turns and joins Ben and Marlee at the elevators.
I go up the elevator with one of the many groups from our show. Thankfully, I happen to be in one of the only rooms without a roommate. Finally, some time all to myself. Once I get inside the room, I fall on my bed. While riding in a bus all day isn't physically taxing, it's exhausting. Tomorrow morning, we're going to the theater to get everything unloaded and set up before our show in the evening. It will be my first official show as part of the Newsies crew, and to my surprise, I'm actually excited. It's been a long time since I've worked in a show, and I miss the constant buzz of excitement that surrounds a theater on a show day.
I turn on the tv and settle on the bed, ready for a night of relaxation. Approximately twenty minutes later, a knock sounds on my door. I'm finding that I should expect minimal alone time around these people. I get up with a sigh. Josh is at the door.
"Long time, no see," he jokes.
"I saw you thirty minutes ago, Josh," I say flatly.
His smile falters. "I know, it was a...nevermind. We're ordering pizza, you want some?" He questions.
"Maybe." I lean on the doorway. "Depends on who you're talking about and what exactly all this entails."
"Well, it's me, Sky, Ben, and Marlee. I think we're going to watch a movie or something." He shrugs. "I was hoping you'd join us?"
"I don't know," I say. "I'd kind of like some alone time tonight."
He nods, disappointed. "Okay. Don't relax too much, though. I'll bring you some pizza when we get it." He smiles and goes back to his room before I can protest. Just like he promised, Josh returns with a box containing a few slices of pizza.
"Thanks," I say, taking the box. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'm already looking forward to it!"

Good as Gold // Josh BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now