Chapter Twenty-Three

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A knock on the door wakes me. I open my eyes, in the same position I fell asleep in. Whoever it is knocks again, but I don't get up to answer. I can't face anyone like this, and I don't want to chance seeing KP backstage. I guess the person who knocked on my door left, because no one knocks again. About five minutes later, my phone rings: it's Josh. I lean over and silence it before pulling the covers tighter around me. I know I should be up and getting ready by now, but I can't bring myself to leave bed. After crying for so long last night, I have no tears left. I do nothing but lay in bed and stare at the wall.

Josh's POV
"Is Indy answering you?" Marlee asks at breakfast, concerned. "She's usually down by now. I knocked on her door this morning, but she didn't answer."

"Let me try calling her," I offer, tapping on her contact and holding the phone to my ear. When I'm sent to voicemail, I hang up. "Nothing," I say. "It isn't like her to not answer her phone."

"That's why I'm worried." She sets down her phone. "I guess we'll have to tell Mr. Calhoun if she doesn't come soon. Do you think she's awake?"

I shrug, trying to call her again, but I get the same result. "I don't know."

Ben sits down with a cup of coffee. "What's wrong?" He asks once he sees our expressions.

"Indiana isn't answering her phone," Marlee explains. "And she didn't answer when I knocked on her door. Do you think she's okay?"

"I'm sure she is." Ben takes Marlee's hand and squeezes it. "Maybe she just didn't hear her phone."

"I'm going to text her," I say.

Indiana Jones

<< Is everything okay? We're at
breakfast. Are you up? >>
Read 8:16 AM

Marlee's watching me intently. "Did she say anything?"

I shake my head. "She's awake, though. She read my message. Try calling her again," I offer.

Marlee nods, lifting her phone to her ear. After several seconds, she shakes her head. "Voicemail," she says with a sigh. I try to text her again.

Indiana Jones

<< Are you going to make
it to work today? >>

<< No >>

"She replied," I announce as soon as the text comes in. "She says she won't make it to work today." Ben and Marlee exchange concerned looks.

"Morning." Sky sighs as he sits down. Looking between the three of us, he asks, "What? What's wrong?"

"It's Indiana." Ben quickly explains the situation to Sky, and I continue texting Indy.

<< Are you sure? >>

<< Yes >>

<< Are you sick? >>

<< Sure >>

<< Do you want to
talk about it? >>

<< No >>

<< I'm here for you if you
want to talk, Indiana >>
Read 8:21 AM

I relay the texts to the others. "Maybe we should just tell Mr. Calhoun she's sick." I sigh, putting my phone down.

"She doesn't seem so sure," Marlee says. "I can stop by after the matinee and see if she's okay."

The morning passes quickly, but I have a hard time focusing during the show. I keep thinking about Indy. Finally, it's time for the curtain call. As soon as we're off stage, Marlee rushes back to her dressing room to change.

Marlee sticks her head inside our dressing room as I'm taking off my makeup. "I'm headed back to check on Indy," she tells me.

"Let me know how it goes," I request. Marlee agrees and leaves the theater. Later, I get a text from her that Indy doesn't want to talk. I guess we'll just have to wait it out.

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