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^ω^ Through out this story any help with spelling and any translation errors will be very appreciated! Other than that please enjoy the story! ^ω^

Hard breathing and heavy footsteps. It's the same every day- or um night? Is it night? No what am I say of course it's nighttime. I forgot what an idiot I am.

Anyway I was just out doing my normal patrol and boom! Eraserhead, come up out of nowhere.

Like seriously what is this dude's problem. He will not leave me alone. No matter how many times I dodge and weave, jump and run, he is still a hair width away. At times I swear I can hear him breathing! That's how close he is!!!

And it's not like I want to be caught, far from it, but picking a night I got injured seems a bit unfair. I can't fight at full power, my reactions are slower and, I definitely can't run at full speed like normal.

How long have we even been doing this? Maybe 30 minutes? An hour? I just want to sink into the ground. I'm tired and I was ment to finish ages ago before no face showed up and ruined my plans.

"Give up kid?" I hear him say, sounds like he's out of breath... Perfect. "Not now. Not ever." I reply back just as out of breath as he is. My voice sounds much lower thanks to the voice modifications I added to my mask. It's a real blessing since my voice originally sounds so girly and not to mention high pitch. It's embarrassing honestly.

Weighing up my options I take a deep breath and take a running start, jump off the rooftop last minute and successfully making it look like I missed the next building.

I let out an 'oof' as I hit the ground rolling to spread the impact. I'll definitely feel that tomorrow. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. I think my stab wound opened up. Oh my gosh I'm gonna be sick! Why are my ideas always like this? Oh yeah the idiot thing again...

"Kid!" The annoying hobo shouts. I roll my eyes from the floor and scramble up onto my wobbly feet. Blood loss? Nah. "I'm so going to regret this." I mutter out before swiftly but most importantly quietly jumping head first into the conveniently close by dumpster.

Once safely out of sight I allowed my defences time to recuperate. Looks like he fell for it. "No you fell for it." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at myself yet again. What does that make it? 4 times tonight? Jeez. Ah why am I talking to myself have I reached a new low?

Ugh I'm unfocused, and my adrenaline is wearing off too. That in turn lets a whole lotta pain rack over my body. I hiss clutching the wound on my side. Just starting to feel it burn to life.

Incase you didn't notice Some messed up, low life, no good villain tried to stab me! Can you believe it? I can help but sigh. This is so uncomfortable... My mind quickly jumps to the next thing. And I can only welcome the distraction.

Gross it stinks in here. I cross my arms, a small pout on my face. The smell is as strong as ever. I had to take my mask off to help try and catch my breath and cool off. This is hot work people! But back to the mask thing, yeah, I'm regretting that decision.

The way my mask works is pure genius if you ask me but hay I'm bias. I have a normal face mask one for every day use of the common ones you see people wear. Then I have my main one. This one helps hide my face and eyes. It also lights up a soft green with a digital voice modification. Aaaaaaand a pixel face that moves in time to my talking.

It's cleaver huh! I made it myself out of recycled stuff I found. Honestly people throw out weird stuff. I'm grateful obviously but still. 

I quickly shut up and cover my mouth as I hear a thud land next to me. Oh shit here we go... I still my breathing and listen. It sounds like Eraserhead. I mean no one else was chasing me and it's not like it's a popular time of night.

F.I.T.H bnha/mha vigilante AU  Bakugo todoroki Shinso midoriya Where stories live. Discover now