21. Someone.

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~ I was wondering if you'd still love me now ~

Naina's mood had instantly dropped since the phone call and she refused to talk to Ayaan. All she did was tear up. tear up because she knew she was going to lose Ayaan and her best friends soon enough if she couldn't justify herself. She was scared.

Ayaan was concerned about Naina. Her eyes pooled with tears and she trembled a little. His eyes narrowed with concern and he immediately held her hand in his. He didn't question her, seeing how troubled she already was. He just comforted her as they entered the hotel.

"Naina! Where were you?" Someone yelled.

They stopped in their tracks almost immediately and looked towards the source of the voice. There stood the young singer, Aryan Kapoor. Ayaan's eyes knit in confusion and he looked at Naina to understand what the matter was. Aryan looked angry as he approached them. Naina slipped her hand out of virats hold and looked at Aryan.

"Where were you?" Aryan rudely demanded.

"I was just out, with Ayaan. We went for a walk" Naina said in a small voice.

"With another guy Naina. Really?"

"What does that mean?" Ayaan asked, now annoyed at the exchange.

"Don't say anything in between!" Aryan snapped. "I was off to London to record a label and the minute I came back, and I asked your family where you were, they told me you had gone to Goa with your friends. Didn't you think it was important of you to tell me?"

"Why would it be important? I have my own life Aryan!" Ayaan screamed.

"I'm almost your fiancé if you have forgotten!" He yelled back, making Naina shut her mouth but instantly counter by saying, " almost being the keyword...."

Ayaan instantly widened his eyes. He breathed in suddenly but didn't move. His heart was breaking , again.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Aryan said

"Because I don't want to marry you! Not anymore!"

"Well. That isn't my problem. Our parents have begun to find the suitable wedding date already." Aryan said in a dangerously low voice.

"Stay away from me Aryan." Naina's eyes spilled tears.

" I'm waiting in your room. You have created enough drama here. I collected a spare key of your room from the receptionist" Aryan said before he left.

"You're...... getting married?" Ayaan asked incredulously.

"I can explain vir!" Naina desperately tried to explain.

"No. Don't call me that. You... I can't believe this." He left for his room with tears in his eyes. It was about 11 pm and Naina stood in the lobby of the hotel, all alone.

She stood there crying silently, wondering how things got so fucked up. She calmed herself down and walked towards her room.

"Finally. You're here. Care to explain what you're doing here, moving around with guys?" Aryan questioned.

"Ayaan is my friend Aryan. And you and I? we aren't in a relationship. This was forced on me. I can't deal with you and your extra possessiveness and dominant behaviour. You make me sick. I have to inform you everything before I make a decision and you, you twist everything. I can't. You're too much. You're toxic to be around. I'll talk to my family. I don't want to be with you. I can't!" Naina cried.

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