8. Different.

523 35 44

~ A million times over, I would choose this always~

Naina's pov

"Are you telling me, that Ayaan liked you all this while but didn't do anything about it until he got dumped by his ex?" Tanya inquired.

"No! All I'm saying is, Ayaan liked me all this while but didn't do anything about it because he thought I didn't like him back. He was just confused, didn't want to fuck anything up between us and waited to tell me until now because he thought he could easily avoid me after this." I justified him.

"Naina! You know I will never lie to you or want to make you feel bad or confuse you but I really don't know how to feel about this right now. I know you love him, but do you trust him for this? It all sounds very weird!"

I stared at her a minute before I answered.

"Taani. I feel as if, I said too much the other night on my birthday. I don't think I love him. Ofcourse I really really like him. But love? I don't know. That's too strong a word to use. I don't think I do right now. You know? And about trusting him? Ofcourse I trust him. He's my best friend. If i didn't trust him, I would never go on with this. I swear!" I fidgeted.

"I get it, the love part. It's not easy to establish feelings. You don't even know how you both work together. It's all going to become more clear when you start dating. Has he asked you yet then?"

"No... but listen. It's been only a week. I haven't even seen him. He went to Delhi to meet his ma."

"Just.. just be careful for me okay?"

"I will!"
Will I? I trusted him a little too blindly. I don't know if I regret it. I shouldn't even be questioning myself right now, but.... I don't know. We all are just confused with the sudden turn of events.

I was meeting him today, he was coming to pick me up after he landed in Mumbai. We were planning to go to the beach.

I slipped on my black crop top and shorts and a necklace I bought from HnM. I wore my slippers not wanting to get sand home and I carried my laptop. It was a while before he would come to see me and I could use that hour to find myself some auditions.

I informed Tanya who was happy for me. She said she could finally see me going back to normal, getting the attention and love that I deserved. She believed 90% of that but the other 10%, she just wanted to trust Ayaan even though she loved him like a brother.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I opened the door to Starbucks 10 minutes later. I got myself a sandwich and a coffee and sat to finally work.

I found myself finding nothing worth while to be honest. I applied to many auditions not knowing what to expect.

About an hour later I got a call from Ayaan-

"Heyy. Where you at?"

"I'm in the uber. Do you want me to come to Starbucks or should I pick you from there and head to the beach straight?"

"I'm bored of sitting here. I have been here for an hour and I feel as if they will drill holes in my head by staring at me if I don't leave sooner." I joked.

"Okay! I'll come pick you up. Come out in five okay?" He laughed.

"Okay. I can't wait to see you!"

"Me neither."

Here goes the blushing. Jesus Christ.

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