run away

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The moment I turn sixteen.
I'm going to run away.
Noone can change my mind.
My thoughts will not sway
I cant stay in the way for much longer
At least not today because when I'm that age
I will no longer be a bother.
I'm always held back by limits I've always wanted to but I could never commit but I've reached the summit of my dreams. The edge of a cliff and let me tell you this there is no adventure to be had because at home they are mad with them I am sad there is nowhere to go but away and you cant make me stay because I was never enough you say I was but actions speak louder than words and in actions I hurt because I was never her and I couldn't find better than him. These thoughts are not on a whim, though the outlook grim I will keep running. And I will escape with quick whit and cunning. I wanted to talk but it always was inopportune. And I was too far to commune. But I felt our thoughts were in tune, and when I close my eyes I see you but I need to push you away and so I run away because I cannot stay there is only pain.

11:11 (Poem Book#2) [Trigger Warning]Where stories live. Discover now