go on with the show

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Somebody save me
I'm drowning in regret
I can only keep acting if the stage is set.
But the spotlight flashes red,
And the audience watches with dread.
They can see I'm tired, fragile, weak.
But not a single person tries to stop me.
I keep using my space
Pacing the stage.
The light grows brighter and more aggressive in hue.
But I have to keep acting, it's all I can do.
My bones feel frail, and my mind begins to pound.
My own heartbeat and his songs, are the only prevailing sound.
I know I can still feel
And that's what keeps me from finding collapse.
I'm not alone on stage, with death I dance.
When the scene ends, I honestly dont know.
But I've been doing it this long.
Let's go on with the show.

11:11 (Poem Book#2) [Trigger Warning]Where stories live. Discover now