Im sorry

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Please don't for one second believe anything I said wasn't true.
I am so proud of you
And I can only imagine the things you are going through.
You are my friend.
And I'm scared for it all to end on both his end and mine.
I wish I had more time.
You are not alone.
I am always here...
Even though I can't be near...
There are tough decisions in life
And I want to be around as long as I can,
But I can't justify defiance because "we are just friends"
We set a boundary
And I broke that line....
But please know that we will always be friends.
And I know that out of everyone,
You will always shine.
I'm not gone only in a mere state of disarray...
But I'm scared out of my mind
And I can't beg my honeybee to stay.
Life will keep going on
And I mean you no harm...
Please know
That you'll shine brighter than any star.
I beleive in you.
And I'll forever keep writing...
But I cannot bear to stand this guilt that I am fighting... I'll endure as much as I can. Just for you.
Because what else would a best friend be able to do?

11:11 (Poem Book#2) [Trigger Warning]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu