Chapter 61 - Liar, That's What They Keep Calling Me

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No response.

"It's me. It's John."

She gazed into my eyes, her breath hitched in her throat. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

I approached her. With one step, she stumbled back and fell to her knees. Her hands flew to her mouth, and when the tears began to spill out of her eyes, I crouched beside her and hugged her tenderly. My hand rubbed her shoulder as she flung her arms around me.

"Oh my... I-I... you're, you... m-my--" she heaved out in inconsolable sobs.

"Shh... shh... it's okay. I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I blinked away the tears. I couldn't break down when she was already in such a vulnerable state. I had to make sure she was okay first. Her incoherent mumbling soon ceased as I kept my embrace.

God, I felt terrible. I've caused my entire family so much pain, but at least they're safe. The world is safe from Dragon Room now. I had to leave to save them. But, dammit, nothing can justify how much I've hurt them.

We couldn't have sat there for any less than five minutes. By then, Julie appeared from her room, seeming almost desensitized by the mess Mum was. I suppose she's been there comforting Mum and Dad for months that she's had no room to get emotional. I neglected how strong she was.

Mum almost shoved me away from her. She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me around, fury in her eyes. "What the hell were you thinking?! We called you millions of times, texted you constantly, and you never picked up! Your, your father went to Japan, and you weren't there! We got calls from Singapore, America, and still nothing! I--" she inhaled sharply, her cries getting the best of her. "--How could you do that to us?!"

As soon as the words escaped out of Mum's mouth, I glanced back at Julie, giving her a thankful nod. She didn't tell them about my mission. She kept it a secret for me.

"I, I can't tell you," I uttered.

She gazed back at me wildly. "What do you mean you can't tell me?! John, it's been three months. I deserve to know where you've been all this time!" she cried out. A certain, stinging pain stabbed my heart. That's what they call guilt.

"It's too dangerous for you to know. It's, uh, it's confidential."

"Too dangerous? Confidential?" Mum gave me one of those vicious stares that every mum knows. She snapped, "John, I am your mother. Nothing is too confidential for me to know coming from you. Tell me now or I swear to God you'd be wishing you were in Japan right now."

I blinked. Good threat.

I guess since Dragon Room's been apprehended, it isn't too dangerous for them to know. But then again, spy work is confidential. I'd get my ass killed by Miami if I told them. Well, I'd get killed by Mum if I don't tell her something. Besides, Julie already knows, and nothing's happened to her. Oh, I forgot about Trinity Buoy Wharf! Something did happen to her. Uh...

Sh*t! What do I do?! Dammit, I'd rather get sniped by Miami than torn to pieces by Mum. As long as they can keep a secret, then nothing will happen, right?

"I think I should tell you on the couch. Um, best to be comfortable?" I winced, hoping that would give me enough time to gather an adequate explanation. I glanced back my sister standing by the stairwell. "Julie? Could you find Dad?"

"Yeah... I'll see if he's awake..."

I helped Mum up off of the ground. I shut the door behind me, bringing my bags inside. Shuffling awkwardly behind her, we made our way to the couch. I sat opposite to her. We waited silently for Dad.

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