Chapter 34 - Got A Dragon On My Back, It's A Dragon Attack

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Liar. Nobody believes you. That's the game, isn't it, dear?

It's like the boy who cried wolf. He's a great liar. But the singular truth he bellowed blends with his lies. And when he needed help most, his own faults obscured assistance's way.

I like to think of myself as the boy who cried wolf, but better of course. I don't want to lie, but as a spy, I'm obligated to lie. I'd love to tell the world of the disgraceful, horrendous rulers that run our countries, states, provinces, cities, and whatever else that can possibly be taken over by tyrannical office. They're the true liars. But nobody wants to listen. They'd rather be blinded by lies.

So, lies they will receive. I try to lie as least as possible. And that's why I'm silent. An assassin. If you can't talk, you can't lie. You can't be distracted by your own deceitful voice when you have one job. To kill. I eliminate those who have allowed their deceit to go much too far. You know, big corporations and sh*t like that.

It's not like I want to kill people. But, nobody listens unless something bad happens. Because when something bad happens, the truth of our society is finally shown. Then, our leaders, the people the public trusts the most, cover it up with more lies. And that's why I'm here. Who can cover up these lies when there are no liars? It's all for one goal; ultimate tranquility.

Before you scream your bloody head off, pay attention to me just a little more. Has negotiation ever left a long term affect on our society?

Why don't we look at America, shall we? Everyone knows about America. 1783, Treaty of Paris, end of the Revolutionary War. Americans love to glorify it as "Britain's surrender." Oh, they're wrong, darling. The British didn't honor the Americans, in fact, they ridiculed them. They only "gave up" because they knew this puny war wasn't worth losing any more men. Then again, when is war worth losing any men?

But that's beside the point right now. The point is, do you know what happened after? War of 1812. Britain and America pitted against each other once more. Washington D.C. was burned, another treaty, and trade happens. Argue with me, darling. "But they became trade allies, how was this a failed treaty?" Well lovey, no treaty is ever honest.

Monroe Doctrine, 1823. Britain and America are allied once more against Spain. But deary, it's not like the history books. Britain only allied with America because they knew they'd gain more than either side. And of course, they did.

Throughout our history, there have been many quarrels and disputes that were so called "settled" with treaties. And then our societies decide the treaty has no worth anymore, and they quarrel once more, growing more violent each time. It's an endless cycle. A cycle that must be stopped.

If our world only notices destruction, than our message must be spread through destruction. That's how they'll listen. They'll realize to stand with me, with our organization, and against the imbecilic children in power. We'll destroy our faulty world together and the people in our way, and we'll start a new. A better society.

That's what they told me. Mary and Paul. I honestly hate their annoying ass guts, but what can I do when they're right? They've opened my eyes and proved to me the corrupt foundation of the organization of "heroes." Spies of Rhye is all a damn lie. They protect the world from the truth. And yet they can't even bloody stop anything!

I didn't understand when John said I worked for them once. I wouldn't work for such idiocy. I don't remember much, but I was told of how I was saved from my home province of Zanzibar and being taken to our organization. They fed me, trained me, and now I'm here. Never with SoR. That's what Mary told me. I trust her even if she is bothersome.

Earlier today when I encountered John, Mary informed me more about the kid back at base. She told me that he was one of the more dangerous spies of SoR, while being one of the most oblivious. She's told me about the countless times he tried to stop me this year. He nearly succeeded at our attack on Tower Bridge.

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