Chapter 32 - If There's An Answer To The Questions We Feel Bound To Ask

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There's no way. There's no way the man I'm looking at right now is Freddie.

He despises the other side. Why the hell would he be working for them? Why would he want to be harming, hell, killing these innocent people? That can't be him. The Freddie I know wants to protect everyone.

It doesn't make sense! He can't be the assassin. Unless... he isn't.

Is here to stop him?

That makes sense! That's why he would have gone rogue! The government wouldn't let him stop the other side, so he had to take matters into his own hands. Maybe the police sketch misinterpreted Freddie as the assassin.

"Is... is it really you?" I stuttered. I came closer, beckoning to feel his warm touch. I missed it so damn much, and this finally gave me hope. Freddie could come back to us!

His eyes remained blank. Not blank, just an expression I'm not used to. Strange... maybe he's just thinking about something else at the moment. I don't blame him. Life's been busy.

I continued, "I can't believe it! It's you! It's really-"

He punched me in the nose. From the shock and force of the hit, I stumbled back. I touched the point of contact, feeling the blood beginning to run down. I scowled, "Sh*t!"

Freddie, while I was distracted, ducked for the mask I dropped and quickly wrapped it around his face. He began to charge towards me. Not a good sign. Definitely not!

A series of punches and kicks flew my way. I attempted to defend myself from them, but a few hit me good. It stung. It stung more that Freddie was attacking me, however.

Why was he doing this? I just don't understand! He then hit me with one hard blow to the stomach. I dropped down to the floor, feeling sick. Can't throw up now.

I held my abdomen in silent pain. Before I could stand back up, Freddie pulled out a knife from his pocket. A damn knife! And then another to reside in his other hand.

"Holy sh*t..." I exhaled, grunting as I propped myself up. What the hell was happening? Why was Freddie doing this?! My eyes snapped open. I guess it just hit me that Freddie was running towards me with f*cking knives about to stab me.

Before he could come an inch closer, I kicked his ankle, causing him to topple over. I thought that would work. It didn't. He only rolled back into position, more pissed. Well f*ck.

I didn't want to fight him. That was the last thing I'd want to do! But when he's coming at me with the rage of a thousand suns, maybe it would be a good time to defend myself.

I grabbed his arm and flipped him over. He stuck the landing, of course. But I managed to swipe the knife out of his hands. I ducked under the arm I was gripping onto and took the knife for myself.

Before you say anything, I wasn't going to stab him! Never! I just needed something to attempt to intimidate him. He wasn't that intimidated, though. He only got stronger.

I swung the weapon around, deflecting his hits. He pinned me in front of the air vent, trapping me. This wasn't going to end well. The adrenaline rushed through my veins, my heart pumping out of my chest. He wouldn't stab me. He wouldn't.

I cried out, "Why are you doing this?! Freddie please! It's, it's me!"

He growled, pressing the knife closer and closer, "And who the hell is that?!"

I lost my grip for half a second. He used that time to inch the knife closer and closer to my neck. The only thing keeping me from being beheaded was the knife I was using to defend myself.

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