Chapter 53 - Somehow I Have To Make This Final Breakthru

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We're running out of time. We either get this right, or they could potentially win.

I know what to do to hopefully get closer to putting an end to Dragon Room's reign. Let's just hope the lap of the gods are in our favor this time.

"Alright. You guys follow?" I assured, awaiting a response from Rog and Deaky.

"Mhm." Roger nodded. His grip on my hand was tight. I noticed it start to pale as he was beginning to withhold blood from circulating through my palms. That's how tightly he held my hand.

I didn't mind. In fact, I cherished it more than ever. I don't recall much of last night after I got whacked in the head by Freddie. Can't get off too easily from brainwash, huh? Something's always at cost. But, if it's just a weaker memory, I'd rather take that than having my recollection of the past completely replaced.

Honestly, I'm glad I don't remember much of that experience aside from waking up in Roger's arms. I wouldn't want to have any horrid memories of what it's like to be brainwashed. Having to live knowing the unimaginable pain you had to go through, it mustn't be pleasant.

I wouldn't want to hang onto such a depressing subject for too long. Traumatic events can lead to inefficiencies in work, so I can deal with that later. As far as I know, there are no long lasting effects therefore I haven't much to fear. But besides that, I am able to retain the plans I found in their base, allowing myself to formulate a plan.

"Do you know when they plan to leave?" John tapped his finger on the table repeatedly.

"Tomorrow morning at 9:39 a.m., I believe."

He scoffed. "Extremely specific."

"That's when they'll get on the train."

"And then we'll be able to intercept them?" asked Rog, seeming to be uncertain.

"If we do everything right, that is," I stated. "This plan requires absolute precision. One faulty move or one delay might cause it all to backfire on us."

Roger scratched the bottom of his chin. He asked, "What is the chance we get something wrong?"

"Truthfully, fairly high. It's easy to misstep or lose track of your part in the plan considering the bustling nature of this city."

"Comforting." Deaky cleared his throat. "What are the consequences?"

"America will be there's. They'll move onto France, and by then it would be game over for us."

Roger shook his head. "F*ck. W-what if we can't--"

John stood up. In a declaration with passion, he ensured, "We've done this a thousand times. We're going to get this one right. We did not travel the world for months to let them get away with this, okay? I'm done losing. I can't afford to lose anymore. We're going to win this."

"You bet." I smirked. John glanced at me. For a second, I saw a glimpse of a smile on his face. He gave me a slight nod before heading off to his room.

I slouched in my seat. Oddly, with a mission as high stakes as this, relaxation swept me. It was comforting being certain of Dragon Room's plans because now it allows for a much easier time to devise plans of our own.

That is, of course, if they don't change up their plans last minute now that we have such information. I'm really hoping they don't. Otherwise, we'd be travelling all the way to Fresno for nothing.

You see, their plan is to travel to Sacramento. At the state capitol, they're going try to mislead the representatives there and fake their way into a meeting. The details about the meeting were vague on paper. Point is, they want to persuade them into limiting the power of corporations across the state.

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