Chapter 50 - At Any Time An Invitation You Can't Decline

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Warning: this chapter briefly addresses PTSD. If you are sensitive to this topic, please read with caution. Thank you and enjoy the chapter <3

"Rog, can you come over?"

I perked up, curious as to why Brian would be calling me over during our unpacking. God, I really hope I didn't forget anything. I lost that blasted watch in Japan, and I don't want Deaky or Bri blowing up in my face again.

"Hm?" I called out from the other room. "What do you need?" I sighed with a tinge of irritation just so he could assume I was busy sorting out our clothes.

In reality, the only thing I was sorting out was how to get into his pants. We hadn't "done it" since that one night in Japan even though he's been promising me over and over again we would. Goddamn liar.

He had been silent for a moment. I nearly jumped when his voice, now much louder, echoed from the doorway. "I just wanted to talk to you," shyly, he said. My heart started being faster because now he caught me red handed not doing sh*t.

Grabbing a t-shirt from the baggage, I twisted myself to face him. I bounced a little on the bed and began to fold the thing as if I had been doing the same thing for the past half hour. I cleared my throat and inquired, "About what, honey?" I flashed a nervous smile, hoping he was buying it. "Looks like you're the one who came over, huh?"

He scoffed, a smirk spreading on his face. "I guess so, yeah." Brian closed the door behind him, locking it. Oh, I like where this is going. He continued, "Now that John's resting in his room, I thought I could have a little private time with you."

"Of course, Bri," I asserted, winking flirtatiously. "Anything for you." With a kiss on his cheek, I began to pull my shirt off.

"What are you doing?" he asked. I stopped, my shirt halfway pulled over. Brian looked me up and down, admiring my exposed physique. Although, I could see the confusion in his eyes.

Ah f*ck, I must have misinterpreted him. Dammit, I guess it'll be another boring night. I chuckled, chagrin. I did my best to come up with an excuse, so I remarked, "It's just a little hot in here," and pulled my shirt off all the way.

"Oh, okay," he giggled in amusement. "Well, um, I just wanted to talk about John."

I teased, "Absolute gossip."

I managed to make him smiled, but he quickly altered his demeanor to be more serious. Oh, maybe I should put a shirt on for this. I took his hand and listened attentively. I usually don't do that, but if Brian's serious then I should be too.

"Do you remember one happened during the firework display at Disneyland?"

"Um, yeah." I nodded. It was just a few hours ago, anyways.

"I know I am not in any way qualified to say this, but it had me thinking," Brian began. And just as he said that, I knew where he was going. "From the way John reacted, he might be suffering from PTSD or something similar."

I bit my lip, thinking about it for a moment. I wasn't paying attention to John when the show first began, but I knew something was wrong when Brian had to escort him out of the park.

"Possibly. I mean, he's gone through a lot."

"I've been reading a little about it just to make sure my assumptions are reasonable. The sound from the fireworks may have triggered him, causing something similar to a panic attack. When talking to him, he found it hard to communicate. He wouldn't respond right away either, and I think he might have been zoning out into his own head too deeply."

"If you're right, what could we could we do to help him? I, I hate to see him going through such a thing."

He stared down at the floor, I assume forming a response. "To be honest, I don't really know. We can't give him medication without seeking professional help first. We're stuck here, and we've got missions to do."

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