Chapter 26 - I'm Gonna Get Me Some Action

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"Hi Rog!" I hustled in, leaving the door ajar. It was around 9:30 in the evening - the moon and star's luminous shine already present through the window. The keys clattered out of my hand as I planted them down on the kitchen counter. I had just taken the couple home from the dance, and they could not stop chatting about it for the whole car ride! Seems like they had a good time.

"Finally, you're back!" he leaped off of his spot on the couch. Roger approached me and flirtatiously fiddled with the scarf twisted around my neck, "I missed you.."

"I was gone for half an hour," I scoffed running my hands through his blonde locks, "You've been on missions way longer than that."

"And what makes you think I don't miss you every time?" Roger gazed into my eyes with a small, hungry smirk on his face.

I sighed, "Alright, what do you want?"

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You can just tell me," I chuckled, "You never act this sweet."

"I am sweet!"

"I know you are. But you're being so over the top. So, what do you need?"

He groaned, "Someone who will appreciate my kindness!" Roger marched back to the couch, stubbornly sitting down. He crossed his arms and turned away from me. Here we go...

I slid over beside him. I held his hand, "Have you been taking lessons from Freddie? There's only room for one hysterical queen, as he said." Roger rolled his eyes, dismissing my remark. Maybe he wasn't just acting upset. That worried me, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

He finally looked me in the eyes, "It's just seeing Freddie and John act so sweet with one another, I thought we could be like that too. It's fine if you don't want to though."

Dammit. So he acted sweet just because he actually wanted to be sweet. God, I feel like such a dick! I took a deep breath and smiled, trying to lift his spirits that drama queen, "I'm sorry, Roger, for assuming otherwise. Maybe we could try again."

His eyes lit up with that same passion as earlier. He leaned back and turned on the radio. Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" swelled in the compact apartment. I grinned to myself as Roger scurried over to dim the lights. When he returned to me, he held out his hand for me to take.

Once I stood up, I wrapped my arms around him as he did the same. He sighed, resting his head on my shoulder. We danced, or really waddled, around the living room. I smiled as I let him take the lead. I'm sure he was dying to! As the chorus approached with Elton singing "hold me closer tiny dancer," I proceeded to tug Roger closer to me. The song called for me to squish my tiny dancer! He guffawed at my clever move and kissed me on the cheek.

"Oh, I love this!" he waded, clutching onto my waist, "Who needs a school dance when we've got Elton singing for us?"

He's right. I prefer this much over a crowded, chaotic conglomerate of classmates. They'd probably get some sh*t stuck in my hair. Not to mention the fact that I don't even go to there school. Besides, Roger and I are adults now. We don't need child events to please us.

I shut my eyes, engulfing myself in the moment. Rarely we get to be so intimate. We've just been so busy with our own work. Maybe if we ever resolve this whole other side issue (you know, I'm certain they have a name! It's just that no one bothered to learn it since they're malicious b*tches) Roger and I could leave the program and live like we're... normal. We could find jobs, buy a flat, and just live together without having to worry about spy things. No more hacking data bases, no more sneaking around facilities, no more stealing top secret files, no more hiding. It'll just be regular.

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