Chapter 51 - I'd Love To Leave My Memory With You

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"Oh, hush lovey, he's fine."

Ugh, I hate dealing with emotional messes that aren't mine. Deary me, how does Mary ever put up with my moods? I've got an inconsolable poodle in front of me, and I'm not much of a comfort.

"What did you do?!" he sobbed. Judging by the look of distraught on his face, this may be the only time Brian would be willing to punch a b*tch in the face. Good thing I've got someone holding him back. It's tricky putting on mascara when you've got a black eye.

I rolled my eyes. I can't let him steal my title as the most hysterical queen. "Relax, Brian, he isn't dead," I assured. He shot a nasty glare at me. "Look, he'll thank me for giving him some more sleep. Blondie looked ever so tired. How much have you been wearing him out in bed?"

He stood up from his spot next to sleeping beauty and growled, "You think this is f*cking funny, Freddie?!"

"Oh, so now you're mad because I got to your precious princess?" I laughed. "Brian, I know he's your lover or whatever, but it isn't fair to the other people who've I've done far worse to." Saying that, I shuddered. I don't like recalling all I've done. "It's simply the same chemical compound used to make sleeping gas but condensed to form liquid. I don't see what's the bother."

A pained look plastered on his face when he looked me up and down as he processed my declaration. God, if Brian's this pissed, I can't imagine how Roger would react if it were Brian who got knocked out instead.

"What happened to you, Fred?" Brian cried out. I was a bit taken a back. What could he mean by that?

I coughed, clearing my throat. "Pardon?"

"This, this isn't--"

"It's difficult listening to you all the way over there, dear," I said in attempts to change the subject. I don't think whatever he'll say would be pleasant for my shy ears. "Why don't you take a seat?"

I snapped my fingers once more, and another burly fellow came by to place a seat in front of me. I gestured over to the empty chair, prompting Brian to sit down. He was hesitant. "I'm not going to f*cking sit down and play your goddamn game. This is sick!"

Sighing, I remarked, "And I thought I was stubborn. Look, I just want to talk." Brian didn't want to believe me, so he opted for a harsh glare. I leaned back into my seat. "I won't bite. I promise."

Brian scooted closer. He pulled the chair back and sat in it. He's scared. I can see it in his eyes. No matter how many glares he gives me, no matter the insults he barks my way, he's scared. You can't afford to be scared as a spy.

"What's there to talk about?" he asserted using his most courageous voice. I could tell he was uncomfortable sitting so close by me. I didn't know I was that intimidating.

"A plethora of things, darling, so I'll take it one by one."

He scoffed, "You can't possibly have so much to talk about. You're too busy killing people."

I took a sharp inhale. I hate to recall those memories, and he's really only making it worse. So selfish. "Brian, I must remind you that negotiation requires a little bit more of an open mind. I'm right here hearing you out. I ask for you to do the same."

"Yeah? You're not here to negotiate. You're here to pass time before you run off to your next destination. You can't bullsh*t me like that."

"If we're not here to negotiate, then you would have arrested me by now. I'm unarmed, May. Yet, we're still here. You want to talk to me."

That shut him up. Brian stirred a little in his seat thinking of a way to refute. He couldn't. Not without lying. "Ten minutes. You have ten minutes to explain yourself."

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