Chapter 10 - Been Enragin' The Folks On The Lower Floor

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So, today was quite a doozy!

Let's see! I went to John's school - well technically it's my school too since I attended before him. I did some learning crap there. Brian had this fancy education since he was born into the spy program, but I still have to go to some stupid public school with Miami as my bloody teacher!

He doesn't have any reason to pose as a teacher anymore. The whole reason he was there was to observe John. I wanted to recruit him, so Miami was like, "Well I gotta see him for myself!" Luckily, Mr. Reid got fired so there was a position open for him to take it.

But John's already a spy! I think Miami just likes me and wants to spend more time with yours truly.

And then there was the Halloween fest. God, you know how useless I felt? I was walking around with Brian and didn't find the machine. And it didn't make things better when some guy dressed as f*cking Pennywise sneaked up behind me.

That clown b*tch was like, "Boo!"

And I sh*t my trousers, I tell ya! Brian was laughing like a damn madman and over here I have a sheer heart attack!

Oh right and the whole brainwashing thing. Yeah, that wasn't so fun. All I remember is falling to my knees with a splintering headache and then blacking out. And soon after, I woke up with Brian lying down beside me. B*tch, I got scared some kinky sh*t happened with me and Brian while I blacked out, but nah it was just that stupid device.

I don't know how my mind jumped to that conclusion. I just saw a passed out Bri and was like, "Oh f*ck, what did I do now?"

So Deaky shook me awake and said, "B*TCH WE GOTTA GO!" or something like that. I don't remember. But we f*cking booked it and ran back to headquarters at the speed of light.

As we were running, I realized how I did nothing the whole time. Like I got spooked and fell asleep. Sometimes I wonder if we really even need the four of us on one mission, but I theorize that we're too much for Miami to handle at times. So he groups the four of us so we can get out of his life for a bit.

When we got back to HQ, Miami straight up bolted to us. For real, I've never seen him power walk so fast. I guess he heard the explosion from down here and assumed we screwed the f*ck up.

Freddie, Brian, and I tried our best to explain what happened, but soon figured out we didn't really know what happened since we all passed out. But you know who knew what happened? Yes, b*tch, it's John.

And we were like, "Huh, why's Deaky so quiet?" which isn't really new because he's normally quiet, but you'd think he'd speak up more since he's literally the only person who knew what happened, right? Well we turn around and find out he crashed on the couch.

Now that's f*cking great! I was gonna wake him up, but then Freddie slapped my hand and scolded, "B*tch, don't you f*cking dare."

And I said, "Alright, alright. Chill out, Fred."

But Brian was on my side and said, "We've got to wake him up, Freddie. It's fine."

Freddie got mega pissed now and went up to Sir Long Legs. He didn't even need to say a word before Brian got intimidated by the tiny man. But I didn't want to deal with Fred's sh*t and wanted to know what happened.

"Freddie, I know you love him and all, but keeping him asleep isn't gonna change his feelings for you."

He slowly pivoted towards me. And that's how I died, folks! Spirit Roger here contacting you from the lap of the gods!

Nah, I'm just playing. But b*tch he was f*cking pisssssed! Like more pissed than I'd ever see him. Brian exchanged a look with me - his eyes filled with fear. Fear for what Fred would do to me.

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