Chapter 29 - Take A Look At All The Suffering We Breed

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"It's a mission, b*tches!" Freddie clapped as he plopped down on the couch.

"Uggghhh, again?" Roger groaned.

Freddie raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? We haven't had one in ages, dear!"

"But it was Christmas three days ago," he complained, "I don't wanna do a mission. I just wanna listen to records all day long!"

"It's our job, Rog. We have to," Brian consoled the blonde.

"Deaky's lucky he doesn't have to do them anymore. He's stuck in the bloody engineering facility."

"Mhm," I nodded. I was kind of happy I didn't have to do those missions. I finally got some actual rest! And, I didn't have to worry about dying 24/7. Yay!

"Actually..." Brian began.

Immediately knowing what he was implying, I groaned, "Don't you f*cking say it."

Brian flinched, "Um okay."

I don't want to do missions. I just made that clear and then now I just find out I have to do them again? Oh f*ck this.

I sighed, realizing how harsh I may have come off, "Sorry... I just.. don't want to do them..."

"It's okay, Deaky! You'll be fine!" Freddie assured me.

"You say that all the time," I rolled my eyes.

Freddie frowned, "Because you know damn well I'm always here to support you. And I'm not going anywhere, especially when you're doubting yourself like that!"

I cracked a smile. No matter what, Freddie's always there to make me feel better. Such a sweetheart. I stroked his chin, "Thank you, Freddie. You're just too kind for me. You're my best friend, in fact!"

Freddie nuzzled his nose against mine. Roger snapped us out of our moment, "Save it for the bedroom, guys."

"Says the one who can't keep it in his pants whenever he looks at curly fry haired b*tch over here," Freddie retorted.

"That's a new one," Brian coughed. I smirked, trying to conceal my laughter.

"Yum yum," Roger burst into a fit of laughter. Bri rolled his eyes, honestly done with our sh*t. I don't blame him.

After waiting around for a few more minutes, Freddie's patience started wearing thin, "How many bloody more minutes till we start this sh*t?"

"You never know with Miami," Brian scoffed, shaking his head.

I know they're all more than excited to start the mission, but I'm sure as hell not! Imagine how bad I'll be. I haven't been on field in weeks. I've just gotten accustomed to the tame work again that I'm not ready to go back on a mission. I wonder what caused Miami's decision...

The clock was ticking near noon, and the two (I'm sure can guess) were getting more and more impatient. I had started to hope Miami would be coming soon as well. Shocking. Well, Mum was bound to call me soon. She thinks I'm out again with Roger and Freddie.

I mean, that's not false. She just doesn't know we're gonna put ourselves in life threatening situations. Dammit. We're putting ourselves in life threatening situations! F*cking hell, they expect me to just want to go back out there?

It was fun sometimes, but looking back on it now I could have died like... each time. I don't want that! I just want to be happy at home, but now I'm in all this spy sh*t. If I'm involved, I want to stay in the lab. I've gotten very cozy in there, and I'm far from ready to go back on a mission.

"You coming or not?" Roger tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked around. Miami was already heading to his office with Brian. I'd choose not, but Freddie was looking at me expectantly. God I can't say no to his gorgeous, wondrous, deep brown eyes pleading to me.

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