Chapter 6 - Bring Out The Funk And Dance The Night Away

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"Brian, I..."

"Hello my darlings! Brought you your ice!" I rushed over, my hand freezing from the pack. I wrapped a towel around the thing, but it was still as cold as the bloody North Pole.

Brian and Roger both looked up at me, agitated as ever. Well, what the hell did I do? I mean, who would be bothered by Freddie Bulsara?

Bulsara. It's not that I don't like my surname, but I want to change it. I want to change it to something more me.

Oh well, that's for another day! Roger frowned, took the ice pack and placed it on his cheek.

"Not even a thank you, dear?" I scoffed. Rog nodded, but didn't utter the two words out of his mouth!

Brian turned back to the gloomy blonde, "So, uh, what were you saying?"

Roger shot a glance between Bri and I before shaking his head, "N-never mind... I'll tell you next time."

"Oh.. okay.." Brian shrugged. These two b*tches are so weird!

"Why, you're all quite glum. Didn't the mission go well?"

"Mhm.." Roger quietly responded, seeming to be more concentrated on something else.. or disappointed.

"Then you have no reason to be down in the dumps. Besides, I have good news!" I squealed. Even without eliciting a reaction from the two, I carried on as if nothing really mattered, "We have another mission, dearies!"

Brian and Roger both groaned, "Already?" the poodle asked.

"Oh, come on lovies cheer up! John's gonna come too!"

They didn't seem to budge even at John's name! How disappointing. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Well, darling, if you listened to me then maybe you'd find out you could finally put those dresses in your closet to use, Rog."

The stealth's eyes lit up, "No way!"

I smirked, "Yes!"

We both giggled and squealed together. I caught Brian looking at the two of us like we had three eyes! That's just saying he seemed confused.

"What? I don't get it- oh.." Brian sighed as it hit him.

"I've been waiting for an eternity for this mission!" Roger bounced on the couch.

"Well, yeah. Why the f*ck would we have a mission in a night club?" Brian shook his head. He peered over to me, "Freddie, why the f*ck do we have a mission in a night club?"

"Oh darling, how'd you know?"

"Because you two always wanted to go to some sort of bar or club on a 'mission,' but we all know you just wanna be wasted sluts for one night."

"To be fair, dear, we can be wasted sluts any day. It's just more exciting in a club and in heels!"

"Mhm, but did you have to drag John and I into this? Does John even know?"

"Not yet, but he'll have a hell of a good time! I'll make sure we all will!" I declared, "Mission details are tonight. Miami's already contacted Deaky, so we just wait for him. Sleep if you will, but I'm too pumped to even dare try!"

"It's concerning how excited you are," Brian scoffed.

"Oh bother!" I scrunched my nose and gestured with the flick of my wrist. God, how I wanted to skip and dance around on stage! I wanted to stun and bewitch the audience!

Brian and Roger both headed up to the dorm rooms probably do something kinky. Well, I'd wish. They'd be so f*cking cute as a couple.

They can deny it all they want, but they'll rue the day when I'm right! I'm always right. My radars don't lie, and it's easier when you're gay.

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