Chapter 57 - Back, Hurry Back

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Roger and Brian rushed in laps around the room gathering all the stuff they'd need. It's currently ten in the evening. We're taking a little field trip to the Eiffel Tower.

"Right!" Roger bounced out of the room. "I think that's all."

"I don't see why you need to bring that much," I remarked, noting his backpack appearing to be filled to the brim. The b*tch is going to break his back!

Roger shrugged. "Just in case." He flashed a smile before trotting over to the couch.

I scoffed, retorting, "It's not like you're the one doing all the hard work for this one."

"Relax, Deaks. We just wanna be prepared." Rog zipped up his backpack. "You know? Worst case scenario and all that."

I lifted my bag and slung it over my shoulder. "It's an easy mission." I added with a chuckle, "Got a pretty view too with nice, crisp air."

"Easy mission, high stakes." Brian stated bluntly as he whizzed by, grabbing the keys on the table. Noticing Rog and mine's silent response, he flashed a smile, quickly assuring, "But you'll do great, Deaky!"

"Aha, thanks." I nodded my head.

High stakes. Right. No no, I'm not feeling uncertain about this whole thing at all. It's not like every other mission with high stakes has ended horribly. It's not like I've f*cked up so many times that it's taken us this long to finally arrest somebody. It's not like the entire city of Paris rests in my bloody hands.

Miami only made this mission because I've stopped a brainwash machine before. Literally anyone could do it. All I did was break the goddamn thing. Why do I have to go up that f*cking tower and get that machine? Bri's got a fancy arm. I'm sure he'd do better! Roger, he's a stealth! Can't I just breathe? Please?

Y'know what? Never mind. I asked for this. I became a spy, so this is what I get. Well, I never asked to be a spy. Rog pushed me off a building.

Regardless, I wanted to go on this mission, and I regret it now, but I must finish the job. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I ignored my responsibilities and let this sh*t happen. Either way, I'm gonna get trauma. Might as well be a hero while doing so.

"Let's get going then, yeah?" Roger urged. "Time's a tickin'!"

Time is a tickin'. He's right about that. Bri locked the door behind us as we filed out into the hallway. He informed, "I sent out a drone earlier to search the tower. Something interfered with signal earlier, but never fear," Brian raised his pointer finger up proudly, a wide smile on his face, "for I have recovered the data! The machine's on top of the observation deck."

I coughed, cocking an eyebrow. "I'm sorry? On top?"

"Don't know how he got it up there," Bri shrugged, "but that's where it is. I'm sure there's a way for you to get it."

"Easier said than done. Not for you, though." Roger winked at Bri. He quipped, "Your height gives you an advantage. You can probably reach it from the garden below."

We hurried through the lobby and out into the street. Compared to the other cities we've visited, Paris's night life is certainly more tame. It's lovely though. Seeing a city and its people at such peace, I could only long to be in such a state of tranquility.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean you're a goddamn giraffe!"

Although placid, the city refrained from remaining silent. Numerous street performers littered the city playing delightful tunes. A light chatter circled the streets. Oh, and the humming of vehicles maneuvering their way through the crowds of people. You start to notice the little things that make up a city as a spy, or possibly just as an incredibly observant person. Then, you appreciate those things. One factor missing, and it feels off.

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