Chapter 44 - Wake Up In The Morning With A Good Face

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"Don't tell me you forgot the watch, Rog!"

Roger rummaged through his bags. "I can't find it!"

"You've got to be f*cking kidding me..." sighed John, rustling his hands through his hair.

"Uh sh*t..." Roger let go of the bag, staring back up at me as if he were a naughty child, which frankly he is, who has just been caught in his wrongful act. "I'm sorry."

John scratched his neck. "How did you even lose it?!"

"I swear I put it in my bag! I, I don't know what happened!"

What an eventful start to our stay in Singapore. We just settled into our hotel and began to organize our belongings before Roger made a startling discovery.

I sighed, "It's, it's fine. We shouldn't stress about it too much."

"What if they track the watch and get it back? Then, they'll be left with the advantage again!" John rapidly suggested. He seemed to be coming up with just the most optimistic ideas.

"As to say they haven't been tracking it before?" I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe this mistake would have been for the better. They can't track us if we don't have anything for them to track."

Roger smiled smugly, looking back at Deaky. "Hey yeah! See, I did the right thing all along."

John rolled his eyes. He rolled the rest of his luggage into his room, leaving Rog and I alone. I sighed, finally resting on the couch. It's been a hassle making sure everything was prepared and all tidy, but now we're here.

I'm a bit apprehensive. Japan was a bit of a doozy, so I hope our Singapore missions will treat us more kindly. It is of nature, I suppose, to be a bit more tentative after the events in Tokyo. A good example of "getting f*cked." But we'll do better this time. We know his moves, technique, and of his allies. We're going to get this right.

I hope John's okay. Well, I don't think he is. It's been hard on him especially. He's been fitted with glum, so it seems. It doesn't suit him. I much prefer the happy, vibrant John exuding of energy. We all do. I miss it. I'm going to make sure he gets justice.

"Now, why are you sitting so far from me? Come here and love me!" I teased, beckoning for Roger to come closer. He stood up and nuzzled right next to me. I smiled as I wrapped my arm around him.

Rog whined, "You're so needy. How could you have ever survived without me?"

"Hey, you blew up a pack of noodles because you couldn't comprehend how boiling works. I think you need me just a bit more than I need you."

"So, now you're admitting you don't need me?" pouted Roger, jokingly.

"Well, I never said that. I do need you, and I want you so so much."

Roger chuckled, shutting his eyes and resting on my lap. "Oh, I love you."

"You've stated that a multitude of times."

"A simple 'love you too' would have been adequate," scoffed Rog.

"I'm messing with you!" I poked his nose. I smiled lovingly down at him. "I love you too, honey."

"Honey?" Roger questioned. "That's a new one!"

"What other pet name would you prefer?"

"I'm good with that. I'm good with anything you could come up with in fact."

I smirked, challenging him. I cooed in my most annoyingly affable voice, "My sweet little badger baby, I love you."

"Okay, don't call me a badger. I am anything but!"

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