14. Absence

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The dry grass crunched under Sylvia's feet as she stumbled through the forest. The eerie silence that surrounded her fueled the train of her thoughts which kept assuming the worst. At the same time even a tiniest sound that Sylvia's senses could register made her heart go erratic.Each step felt heavier then the last but stopping for a break did not even cross her mind. Firstly because, there was no telling if there were more rogues out here,roaming in the shadows, watching her, waiting to attack. Secondly, If she were to be caught, she wouldn't be able to take the pain anymore. After all,one could only take enough and her threshold of pain was already crossed.

And so, she had to keep going.

Never had she ever felt so unsure of herself. What happened back there?She had no idea whatsoever. One moment she was afraid and the next moment, sheer anger rose inside her. The kind of anger, Sylvia didn't know she was capable of. And then it just unleashed. All that anger she felt inside her came rushing out like a volcano.

It all happened so fast. Before an eye could blink everything around her just turned into ash. No sign of any  life remained. It was as if, no one was ever there.

As  if, it didn't even happen.

But it did. She knew. Her battered flesh, lack of energy, pain erupting in every part of her body, the heat she felt and the almost burned gown she wore were proof enough.

She was hurt, confused and frightened of nothing but herself.

But no matter what she had to keep going.

She had to keep moving because stopping was not an option.

But the question was, where was she headed?

The woods were thick, no signs of life and every tree appeared to be rather similar to the other.

She could be getting nowhere for all she knew. Just running around in circles.


Getting nowhere..

The thought halted her steps and she fell onto the ground.

No more. Sylvia's body gave up.

She couldn't move.

In that moment she knew it was over for her. Her life, all that she fought for, and all that she never had. It was all over. Was this how hopelessness fet? Because it was sucking the life out of her.

Any moment now, her suffering would end. The pain will go away.

Here, in these unfamiliar woods, she will die. Goddess knows how log before anyone finds her body and gathers up the courage to give her a burial. Or the rogues will find it first and tear the flesh right off of her bones. Either way, it was all gone.  She will die a nobody.

Along with her, her lineage, her family's name.

All gone.


Sylvia felt..defeated.

A nobody..

Her eyes started to shut.

The last thing she registered was a sound.

Probably a squirrel or a twig or air or just her imagination.


Grayson wished the reason behind his visit to the Black moon pack wasn't his mate's disappearance. But it was and it saddened him to no end. This was his first time here, in her pack. The land that bred generations of her ancestors. The land where blood ran through the soil and the bones of the dead rested,who sacrificed themselves for it. Grayson wished she was the one who had welcomed him to her pack. He would've loved to see this land through her eyes. The way she saw everything. Visiting places where she spent her whole life, spots she loved,meeting wolves whom she cherished. How much joy he would have felt. Perhaps then he would have felt at home.

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