12.Not what you think

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Lady Isabelle was lost in the book she fished out of the library. It was strange finding this one. A book she hasn't read. She had a firm belief that during the millenniums of her life she has read every book in the council library. But here she was. This was in some kind of ancient Roman language but it didn't matter because there was hardly any language she couldn't speak. 

It was exhilarating- knowing too much, having so much knowledge. But at the same time, it freaked Isabelle because the well of knowledge would die with her. She won't be able to share it with anyone. No one could ever benefit from what she had stored inside her. She had always been a peculiar child, always so curious. But in that century it was not taken well- a girl being curious, asking questions. Her father often used to remind her, "her place" he would say. But he never told her what place it was. He just kept reminding her that he was strong. She wished he would just tell her, her place. So she would stay there and not make him angry. As one could predict, she became rebellious. She ran away from home very young with no means to sustain herself. Sauntered from village to village. Staying for a while, moving onto the next. Sometimes walking all night long wondering if the stories she heard about the woods were true. 

Oh, they were true. Very much so and she learned it the hard way. Her rebellion cost her a great deal when she sauntered into a pack territory. Yes, she was a human and werewolves was myths but that belief was shattered the second she saw one and it grabbed a hold of her leg and dragged her through the forest and tossed her in the middle of a crowd of werewolves who chanted and offered different ways to end her life.

She was certain it was her end. Still, she didn't, for once regretted leaving home. After all, she had lived a more interesting life than any girl in her village. She knew more than them, hell she knew more than the men in her village.

But fate had other plans for her. Their alpha, Alpha Alfred, claimed her as his mate. 

Of course, she later learned what being a mate enlisted. Her adventures were over. But she was a luna now and that made her feel special. She was part of something which was unreal to the world outside this pack. They were in ignorance but she was not. She knew and she loved knowing. 

Isabelle got marked and soon they mated. As it turns out, she got pregnant. But the thing about werewolves is, they never produce a single pup. Hardly so. She knew she had more than one pup inside her and they were taking all of her to grow. Alfred knew what if it went on like this, she wouldn't be able to go through the whole cycle of childbirth and he couldn't turn her. Not in her state. So they fed her raw meat. Made her drink animal blood. And by the time her water broke, she was thankful it would all be over. She floated through the abyss of darkness and consciousness as she delivered her triplets. Not twins, triplets. Oh, the irony. And by the end of it, she was on the brink of death. That was when Alfred turned her into a werewolf.

The thing about happiness is, it just doesn't last. Right when you feel things are getting back to normal, a demon from the past will wake up, or a new one would step forward. Three years later Isabelle's whole pack was slaughtered including Alfred and their three sons. She saved herself and ran into the forest and didn't look back and kept running for two days straight. The rest is ancient history.

Isabelle shut the book and the sound echoed like a blast through the empty courtroom. 

"Relatable much?" Lord Michael inquired who was sitting next to Harold in his throne. Isabelle's business always had to be his business. It annoyed the living hell out of Isabelle but she learned a long time ago that her annoyance was exactly what Michael fed upon.

"Do not push me," Isabelle replied without looking at him as she pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"But you like it when I do that, but of course under other circumstances." He said with a smug grin. It always left her speechless- Michael's smugness. Eternity and immortality taught sobriety but it surely left Michael alone. He had a mind of a ten years old and a mind that almost always remained drowned in the gutter.

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