8. What lies beneath

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The chair in the isolated room rattled as Sylvia tried to lose the ropes that held her captive. She had been awake for what felt like an eternity but no one ever came in to check on her or to offer her food. Sylvia could not keep track of time as there were no windows to indicate if it was day or night. The room reeked of all the foul things she could think of. The faint scent of blood,sweat,dust and rotting iron was overwhelming. There was no light,only a door at the far end of the room,where the little to no light came in from below it. God knows how many have been here before her and what their fate turned out to be.

It wasn't that hard to guess.

Had she not been tied to the chair with silver wires which were digging into her soft flesh,she would have believed that the dark room was only her unconsciousness. But the constant pain in every part of her body,the rumbling of her stomach and parched throat was what reminded her that she was, in-fact,very much conscious and being held captive.

She could feel the weakness and numbness that has settled in her bones due to the lack of food and exposure to fresh air. All she could smell was the rotting scent of the room and the stinking of her own sweat which disgusted her.

She hated being helpless.

And yet here she was. Completely at the mercy of those who held her captive.

The rogues of course.

Sylvia did not allow herself to feel the fear. Surprisingly,it wasn't that hard because she wasn't really feeling it in the first place.For once she was certain that they did not want her dead. Or else they would not have brought her all the way to wherever the hell she was right now.

On the other hand,they weren't very worried about their lives when they kidnapped an alpha wolf which made Sylvia wonder what their motive was.

What was eating her insides was her worry for Grayson.

'Please be safe' Sylvia found herself praying silently.

Frustration grew inside her as the time passed.

She was unable to mind-link Simon which only meant one thing-she has wolfsbane in her system. The exact reason because of which she felt no presence of her wolf in her mind since she woke up. No wonder she was feeling weak. A werewolf could go a week without food. Depriving them of it was not fatal.

But taking in wolfsbane could kill a wolf.

She shuffled some more only to hiss in pain as the silver cut through her wrist even more.


Simon spent the ride back home preparing for how he would explain the situation to the pack members. But no amount of time could help him to come up with any words which will help soothe their worry.

Their Alpha was gone for fuck sake.

What could he possibly tell them that would make them feel better?

Absolutely fucking nothing.

As the car came to a halt at the borders of their pack territory,as per Simon's request,he hesitantly got out of the car. The patrolling guards stared at him with their usual passive impressions but even they were unable to hide their anxiousness,awaiting for him to give them some sort of comfort and an explanation.

Simon concluded that he had none.

Never had the pack members ever seen Simon with a slouch in his posture. Even when he lost his family,he stood by Sylvia. When Sylvia had died,it was him who thought through the situation and tried to bring her back to life but as he stood there with head turned down,he looked helpless and desperate.

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