5. Never the same

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Excruciating pain.

The white wolf knew that all of this suffering was not hers alone. Much of it belonged to the bloody Alpha who lay motionless on her back. Sylvia's wolf had taken control and now it was just not letting her take it back and Sylvia understood why. Her wolf was also in pain. She was furious and right now no logic worked with her as images of Grayson getting whipped flashed in front of her eyes angering them further.

Her wolf wanted to run but worried that the movement might hurt Grayson more,who was eerily silent on her back as she sauntered through the forest having no idea where she was headed.

After walking some miles farther,the wolf approached a clearing. She whined in response to a soft grunt which Grayson let out as she halted. Before settling down,the wolf listened closely for any unnatural sounds,her eyes scanned the forest for any unwanted attention. Lastly she took in a deep breath but nothing smelt different. The regular earthly scent of the forest and a tinge of metallic scent of blood reminded her of her mate's pain as he lay sprawled across her back.

Carefully she sat down and turned around to inspect Grayson who was holding onto her white fur which was now partially rusty from Grayson's blood.The she wolf nudged his head slightly to see if he was conscious.

Grayson grunted in response and the wolf let out a sorrowful whine letting him know that she was feeling his pain too and right now she wanted nothing but to take all of it away.

Sensing her emotions,Grayson's slightly lifted his head and looked at her.

Surely she was a spectacular wolf and he would have taken much more time to admire her if his head did not feel as if it weighed thousand tons and thus he dropped it back in her fur with a bounce against the softness of her skin.

With much effort he forced himself to roll off the wolf. Just as his back landed on the ground his body jerked upward in pain.


It hurt like hell.

The silver was restraining his wounds from closing and in return his body was spilling blood like fountain refusing to heel at normal pace.

He allowed his body to calm down,taking deep breaths. After a while,he tilted his head and looked towards the wolf who sat beside him,observing him with sorrowful eyes as if all of it was her fault.

"You c-an sh-ift." He said. His voice barely recognisable to his own ears.

The wolf whined and shook its head,refusing to let its human side take control.

This happened to most of the Alphas. When their wolves are pushed over the edge and they take control,they do not let their human side back soon easily.

As much as Grayson was grateful for Sylvia's wolf for stopping the torture he feared what consequences her interference might cause her.
He would take this pain and much more again, although it hurt like hell,but he won't let anyone place a finger on his mate.

Tentatively he lifted his arm.

Sensing his action the big white she wolf slipped her head under his hand,basking the feeling of him touching her. His touch soothed her anger to a point where the involuntary growls that were coming out of her body,stopped.

Grayson continued to rub the wolves head and in return the she wolf continued to whine as if telling him how much she hated to see him in pain.

"I know." Grayson grunted.

After what felt like hours the wolf ascended from her crouched stance. Grayson observed her movements as she pushed her snout under his shoulder blade and nudged only slightly,insisting that he turn around. With some help,Grayson was able to do so.

His wounds had caught dirt which was surprisingly soothing his pain. He knew what the wolf was up to but as the wolf began dragging its tongue over the expanse of his back,he felt multiple things.

Sparks erupted.

His manhood twitched.

His wolf howled.

And the pain eased considerably.

The female wolf continued to lick its way through his wounds adamant to heal him. She could not bear to see his pain. Although the silver in his wounds scraped her tongue,but it did not bother her as she continued to work her magic.

The small gashes were already closing up but there was bigger damage which needed to be taken care of.

Too busy in its ministrations,the white wolf did not notice the sound of many wolves approaching.

Snapping of a twig nearby caught her attention and her head whipped up to observe her surroundings.


Maybe twenty wolves.

All of them rogues stared right back at her. Her first reflex was to protect Grayson. Her paws caged his body and she began to growl lowly warning that she meant no harm.

Inwardly,Sylvia's heart was dropping in the pit. They obviously did not come in peace as their blood shot eyes stared at Sylvia's wolf,reminding her that their human side was lost.

How could she not know.

She knew more than enough about them.

If she gets into a fight with them,the odds of her coming out of it alive were close to none.

Besides,she had Grayson to protect who was not in any condition to fight.

Sensing that it was her only chance,the wolf looked at the sky and let out a long warning howl hoping someone would come to her rescue.

Harold's head whipped towards the source of the howl as he himself stood amid the forest. Him and the other two lords,along with Simon and some guards were searching for the female wolf but it was clear that she hid her scent well and refused to let her mental barrier down for Simon to contact her through mind-link.

The sound of her wolf indicated that she was in trouble.

Harold cursed and leaped in the air landing on all fours and ran towards the voice.

The other followed suit. They ran through the thick dense forest,dodging trees in their wake. To mortal eyes,they would appear as a mere swish of wind.By the time they reached to the clearing,there were no signs of any wolf. Only a bloody Grayson lay on the forest ground with a huge poisonous gash on his back.

His eyes lifelessly stared ahead of him.


Forty four reads damn!

Here's an update guys.

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