1. One day

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All rights reserved. Its a collection of my own imagination. Any similarity to any work is purely coincidental and must be approached with an open mind.


Beta Simon rounded the car while buttoning his jacket as he held the door open and extended his hand out. Three servant wolves adorned in uniforms, rushed out of the large wooden doors at the arrival of yet another alpha.

A slender hand slipped into Simon's outstretched one. The seemingly fragile almost glass-like hand could not be mistaken to belong to a fragile she-wolf because Alpha Sylvia Donovan was anything but. If not hell,she has been and back from something quite similar.

The servants kept their eyes down,not once daring to look up at the alpha female who was famous for her ethereal beauty.

Simon smiled softly as his alpha slipped out of the comfort of the leather of the sleek car and stood tall and authoritative as ever in her stance. To human eyes she would appear to be a Goddess with her long white hair and ice blue,almost transparent eyes. Not to mention the utmost grace she carried herself with.

Her simple white dress matched the colour of her hair and skin simultaneously,effectively popping out the only colour on her,that of her eyes. Her pale skin appeared soft as if the wind blowing over it hard enough,would tear it apart. To anyone,it would feel like a sin to touch her.

But she has been touched and bruised and hurt and been dead for seven minutes

Standing there,she looked like an illusion,ready to be vanished.She was the first female alpha to ever exist and no low rank wolf dared question her position or her role as she oozed the familiar aura of an alpha which demanded from them to admire her like any other alpha because they knew: the alpha is only the strongest of all.

Out of the three wolves,one male stepped forward. He dared not look at the alpha female in her eye as he bowed and submitted to her power and position. The other two servants followed suit.

"Please." a velvety voice,which to all ears, felt like music,made the servants stand straight. This voice has ordered executions and punishments so sinister that the mere thought of it will make a wolf wish for death instead.

"Welcome alpha female." The male wolf said while keeping his eyes to the ground.

Alpha female-Sylvia hated the words. Why did her gender had to follow her everywhere?

"Lead the way." She said and nobody but Simon noticed the slight irritation in his alpha's tone and tried his best to suppress a chuckle as he already knew that his alpha female hated the extraordinary protocols which were even more implemented at The Prism-the werewolf council.

They were ushered through the double doors.Alpha Sylvia held her head high as she looked straight ahead while walking into the massive foyer. The beauty of this place did not overshadow her opinion regarding the mighty bastard wolves who ruled it. If it was for her,they would be dead under her wrath and she had make sure to make it long and painful.

Beta Simon was right with her but two steps behind. His alert eyes roamed around the place as he followed his alpha female.Who ever low rank wolf spotted the female alpha walking through the foyer,stopped dead and bowed.

She belonged in skies,among the Goddesses and not on mere ground-they thought.

Alpha Sylvia had only been here,at The Prism,once before. Refusing to flinch at the memories which came along from that fateful day some three years back,she already wanted to be out of this place.

They walked and walked through the endless corridors until they reached the meeting hall. A mask of utter determination and nonchalance appeared on her face.The doors swinged open for the alpha and her beta to pass through.

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