Part 3C

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Once my eyes adjust to the dark room I see a man in the corner drinking some sort of strong alcoholic drink because I could smell it over here across the room. The room is underwhelming because the room is pretty much bare as he is sitting in the only piece of furniture. Why would they not have any sort of sitting space in the common space? I have a feeling I will find out when he stands up and moves out of the way. "Take a seat darling." He drawls on and I recognize his voice as the second one who spoke to me. When he looks expectantly at me I just fold my arms and continue to stand next to candy boy. "For some reason I figured you would be more... Jedi like?"

"Excuse me, what does that mean?"

"I'd be careful she already almost bit my head off already boss."

"I'll keep that in mind." I hate being interrupted and part of me wants to scream as he just stares at me. I decide to stare back at him as he studies me and begins nodding. "Yep, definitely not your typical Jedi for sure."

"I'm not a Jedi and never will be."

"To bad because that will have to change real soon. What do you call yourself?"


"Verse? Hmm Wern please show her to her room, I'll be by later to brief her on our latest assignment, but first I have to discuss the issue of men lost on our last run with the owner."

"Of course sir." I am a bit startled when Wern grabs me by the arm and abruptly drags me down the hallway.

"Don't touch me."

"I swear you are going to be the death of me, but whatever. Any other demands you would like to make?" My annoyance for him is growing and I finally have decided that the thing about him that was bothering me earlier was the fact that he thinks he is better than me. I feel we are going just in circles when we pass the same door for the third time.

"Do you know where you are going?"

"Of course, why would you say that?"

"Because we've passed the same door three times already." He snorts and shakes his head before explaining that Bryeli has all of the common room doors painted blue so that the hired hands can find them easily. When he suddenly grabs my waist I waste no time kicking him hard in the knee as he shoves me into an indent wall no doubt where a terminal used to be once. "Get off of me, you creep." I growl fighting him with no luck.


"Don't shush me!" Wern puts his hand over my mouth and I bite down hard on it when I hear footsteps approaching as he leans more into me. When the footsteps come around the nearest corner I estimate it's going to be about ten seconds until they reach us.

"Whatever you don't get in my way."

"Jee-jee get doe Spice um pushee just like doe lorda wants."

"Tagwa, choy? About doe supposed jedai?"

"Killya doe jedai." I give Wern a questioning look as I sense the four life forms get closer when it connects to me that only three of them spoke. I aggressively tap him, but he just turns and pins me to the wall with his shoulder. I can play this game too I think as they come closer and he steps out drawing a blaster. You've got to be kidding me, this can't end well. I mentally face palm myself for the sake of the fools that I've been stuck with. This cannot be happening repetitively  goes through my head as the sound of blasters being shot fill the hallway. With a sigh I act on the instinct to help him, trying not to think to much of it when I ignite my one of my new lightsabers shocked at the orange hued blade that fills the space. 

"I thought I told you to stay out of the way!" Wern  screams over the blaster fire as I step out of the indent. 

"You also seem to be struggling." 

"I'm doing fine!" The four life forms are comprised of two Zabraks, a Trandison, and a human. Memories of Alk and Zaal flash before me in the hallway, but when Wern lets out a cry of pain I jump into action sending their blaster bolts right back at them. 



Merry Christmas for those who celebrate and don't come at me for the orange blade —> yellow + red = orange...

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