Part 2C

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Pain covers my body and I'm blinded by the bright lights of the med bay. "Please stay still while we finish applying the bandages."

"Huh?" I whimper as something freezing cold is applied on my wounds as a dull ache begins spreading from my head and throughout my body.

"It will be okay." I finally distinguish that the voice speaking to me is not one of a living being but a Clone Wars era med droid. "You experienced some minor damage to your nervous system."

"Delightful..." I mumble as hear the door open.

"She had several minor injuries, mainly burns but there is some damage to her nervous system. I also do believe she is developing some brain damage too." Whoever it approaches the side of the sighs as I try to force my eyes to


"How are you feeling?" I realize it's the one my Master sent me to find - Ahsoka Tano. "You did pretty well for someone who has never had proper training." Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean? I wonder as her blue eyes search my green ones as I sit up.

"I feel great." The sarcasm makes her flinch a little and I don't feel bad, I mean she did try to kill me...

"That's good, you know your droid is a lot like you." I snicker knowing that A47 is probably being a pain in the butt.


"Yes, who knew you could bribe a droid." She says absentmindedly and I wonder what the heck A47 did now. As if on cue she rolls into the room beeping about how she's having a magnificent time and I can take one of the other astromech droids back with me.

"Traitor." Ahsoka bursts out laughing and I glare at her, "How'd you bribe her?"

"Oh, she wanted complete control over the A-Wing when one of the pilots took her out for a spin."

"That stupid droid never wants to help me." I say darkly thinking of all the ways I can turn her into scrap metal and spare parts, but decide with all the effort that went into programming and repairing her it wouldn't be worth it. We sit in silence for a little bit before I catch Ahoska looking at me. "Hmm?"

"Where are you from?"


"What do you like to do in your free time?"


"Why did you join Maul?" She asks in a measured tone.

"I really had no other choice." I take a deep breathe as tears begin to form at the edges of my eyes. Instead of looking at me with pity like I thought she would she instead just nods like she understands... "If I didn't there would be no other way to save Eli."

"Who's Eli?"

"A close friend of mine, he had so much he wanted to do so I figured I could sacrifice some time so he could leave and then escape... It didn't work out as planned."

"Would you ever be interested in helping defeat the empire and leaving Maul's service?" I look at her exhausted frame and wonder what she has been through,

"Right now my goal is preventing anyone else to be taken advantage by him. Plus no one would ever train me, I've been corrupted by the dark side."

"What if I would train you?"

"Why would you do that?" Her vibrant blue eyes watch me with confusion.

"I believe that you could be a powerful alley in terms of potential, if you don't join us to take down the Empire then please join us to prevent anyone else from being forced to join a crime syndicate in order to protect themselves from the darkness."

"How could I help, I don't have an army, resources, or money."

"But you have a heart and your willing to fight for what you believe in." The lights seem to get brighter as I look at her. A million thought running through my head and I try to focus on what she's offering me, a chance to make a difference where I wasn't able to before. Finally, a chance for revenge.

"But what if I fail?"

"Failure is one of the greatest teachers out there Verse, I have faith in you."

"What if no one likes me or doesn't trust me? I TRIED TO KILL YOU!"

"That is in the past Verse, you need to trust me. There are people who need your help." I take a deep breathe and fold my legs into my chest.

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course, you may have as much time as you need." Ahsoka stands up and leaves telling me that I can find her in the cockpit whenever I'm ready or ask someone to have her come back here. Anxiety fills my system as I think of the potential I have here, the levage to help Alk, and find Eli again.

"Excuse me Miss, but you need to rest now." The metallic voice of the med droid calls out before I feel a prick in my arm. "Your vitals are fluctuating please relax while I'm administer medicine." It doesn't take long before the medication kicks in and a calming sensation lulls me to sleep in the loud freighter med bay.



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