Part 3A

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I try to stay calm, but the longer I'm in this cramped cockpit thelonger I want out. The clear walls seem to be inching closer to me with everysecond as I wonder what it's like to be sucked out into space. To feelweightless and then inevitably lost while choking on air that isn't breathable.How many people have been lost that way and we will never know? I begin tospace out feeling the familiar feeling of separation of myself from reality and bordering the edges of insanity as I lose touch with my physical sense...

"A47, how much longer?" ... "Six hours?! That can't be right, when were you last cleaned?" Instead of giving me a helpful answer she rudely tells me that it's none of my business. "I think it is my business missy, but whatever." I draw my knees up to my chin and begin looking over the dashboard trying to find how much longer I actually have, when I finally get to the flight statics I find out that in reality I do have six hours. Stupid droid was right, I think leaning back against the window. This is gonna be one long trip maybe I can get some sleep?
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Logging the latest shipping manifests why?"
"That's not right..."
"It's right! I am aware how to use a data tablet thank you very much."
"Never said you didn't, but your Sy Bisti needs some work."

"You know what Eli, leave me alone." The memory of my less than decent Sy Bisti makes me cringe as I remember having him explain that what I was saying to him made no sense at all. I stir for a little before peeking at the predicted arrival time. Four more hours I think wondering how I'm going to survive this crazy experience. What can I do now while I wait to arrive? The lightsabers, I never looked at them. My bag is haphazardly tossed at my feet and I begin to dig through it until my hand reaches a cold metal cylinder that radiates with power.
You have the ability to make people cower with the weapon, to take what is rightfully ours; this is the weapon that will bring the galaxy down on its knees. Maul's teaching rings throughout my head and I try to ignore it like Ahsoka taught me, but it's eating away at me. You have disappointed me Verse, I taught you everything and gave you a chance to rule the galaxy, but you left. What wasn't good enough for you here, why did you fail me?? Visions flash before me of the training room where Maul had one goal to get revenge on Kenobi and to have power, not caring what it took to get there. Pain seers through my face and I feel a sudden coldness spread across part of my body – Alk...
"NO!" I throw my hands up in the cockpit trying to make it stop, what did he do to her because I left? Is she okay? She wanted to tell me something when I got back and now I will never know. I try to get up but I find myself strapped into an interrogation chair? Dark grey walls surround me and footsteps across closer and closer to me, causing a sense of panic to arise in me. I have to get out, I have to get out, now! The more I squirm the tighter the bonds get as the door opens I start screaming bloody murder for someone to come save me, but no one comes. The world begins to spin and I stare numbly at a road? Pain covers me, not physical pain I've become accustomed too now, but rather an emotional pain. Revenge calls my name as I watch the world burn – literally.
"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!!" A cruel smile crosses my face as I pick myself up from the blood covered ground and begin walking towards the distorted voice, only to see two people I've never once seen before.
"PLEASE VERSE, YOU LOVE ME!" Tears fill his eyes as I chuckle and take hold of all of the pain he has caused me somehow not caring I have no other knowledge of him.
"You hurt me."
"Quiet pathetic girl, you know not what you speak of." I spit and approach him staring into his ember eyes as they go wide with fear giving me a new found sense of satisfaction and power.
"Please, have mercy remember all the good times, all the times you said that you love me!"
"You're wrong, I am incapable of something like love."
"Please Verse!" The girl screams once more as I hear a strangled choke from her before the sound of a body hitting the ground. A voice from somewhere inside of me cheers me on before begging me to continue on with my rampage and give these people what they deserve – whatever that is.
"No, I will do what I must." 

A sound of beeping draws me back to reality and I see us approaching a worn down looking freighter of some sort. "Approaching craft, please state your order of business here." My hand hovers over the comm and I begin to second guess myself. "I can't do this." I saw before the craziness crashes over me again.




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