Part 2E

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When I finally get all of my stuff back into my small fighter I take a deep breath and look around th ehanger for Ahsoka. A47 beeps her dramatic noise at me and smack her in the domed head before walking over to Commander Soto who is speaking to a few pilots. "Excuse me Commander, but do you know where Ahsoka is?"

"Hello Verse, last time I saw her she was meeting with the senators in a private meeting."

"Okay, thank you." Part of me wants to go look for her, but deep down I know that it is useless she is busy.

"Verse," I look up at the exhausted commander. "I am sure if you went and knock on her door she would step out for a moment." I give him a small smile before heading towards her room to check and see maybe if she could take a break for a second. Once I reach the door with A47 stalking me I knock to find the door opened by a protocol droid.

"Excuse me, I am looking for Fulcrum?"

"Fulcrum? I don't know of anyone of that name. I suggest you would check the next room." Suddenly A47 takes matters into her own hands ramming her small metal body into the gold droid's legs. "How rude!"

"A47! What has gotten into you?" I scold as she seems determined to find something. Of course at this moment Ahsoka and the senators have to walk around the corner now with my awkardly trying to get my droid back and another distraught droid. "Ah, sorry Fulcrum A47 decided she needed something. I'm not exactly sure what she left in here though..." Ahsoka's bright blue eyes light up and she gives me a smile as a mechincal scream echos through the room. Kriff, A47 what did you do now? I silently urse in my head as another droid flies into the room before taking a defensive stance and A47 comes speeding around the corner too. Oh dear goodness, this is so embarrassing.

"Artoo!" ... "No! You can't fight A47 for domiance now, she has to go with Verse!"

"A47! I'm gonna leave you here if you don't come with me now." She whistles a few interesting phrases at me before going back and fighting with him again. "First who taught you that and second I don't care you're coming with me!" I use the force to practically throw the bratty droid across the room and the door opens where I set her and I hope that forces her to stay outside. 

"I'm so sorry for interrupting and then for the chaos I don't know why got into her."

"It's fine, I never knew Artoo didn't like A47."

"He's an interesting droid for sure." Ahsoka adds and I chuckle as she hugs me. "Before you go I have something to give you."


"These." I take the silver box from her hands and when I open it to find a new lightsabers wrapped carefully in cloth.


"As a parting gift for now."

"But? I don't know what to say Ahsoka."
"How about thank you?" The gold droid  drones on and I want to chuck the box at him or delimb him - that would also work... Probably won't look good though for Ahsoka's reputation or my own too.

"Thank you, I still don't understand why you took the time to do this?"

"We can call it paying it forward, someone did this for me a while ago."

"I see, you don't know how much this means to me. Shoot, I have to go I'm gonna be late." This makes the senators laugh as I practically run out of the room and trip right over A47, who informs my of her presence right after my face connects with the hallway. "Thank you for letting me know." I grumble picking myself up from the floor before kicking her sensor as hard as I can without hurting myself. "Let's go loser." My anxiety once again begins to rise as we near the hanger. I can do this, I can do this, I can do - nope abort I can't do this!! My brain screams as I force my legs to continue moving. This is going to be a long trip is all I can think when I climb into my Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor cockpit and begin take off prep.

"Jedi Interceptor, you are clear for take off."

"Affirmative." I take off and right before A47 jumps I peak back at the fleet I've called my home for the last few months. "Let's hope I have the chance to thank everyone of you for helping me." The infinite inky blackness begins to disappear into white streaks as I take a deep breath accepting there's no turning back now.



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