Part 2B

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"Wow." I stare at the groups of shuttles and fighters that have gathered in this corner of the galaxy in awe.

"Unidentified fighter, who are you?"

"Ignore it A47 ... Yes, I do see the three A-Wings on my tail."

"Unidentified fighter, answer or be destroyed."

"Very kind people I see." I quickly adjust in my seat and hope they don't take me as a threat. "I am looking for an Ahsoka Tano?" I try carefully and hear the line go empty.


"Ahsoka Tano."

"We do not know of an Ahsoka Tano." He says obviously lying and I'd guess that this Ahsoka Tano is standing off to the side of the frame because that's where he keep looking.

"Well then, looks like I will just have to report this little collection to the Empire."

"You wouldn't."

"Maybe I would." I threaten silently hoping that they don't decide to just blast me to pieces.

"We will kill you before your signal could get out." I sense the A Wings getting ready to take their shot at a dogfight with me and the other ships around us preparing to jump.

"A47, when I say jump, do it." She acknowledges me and I comm the officer back. "That's one bold statement don't you think?" He is silent and I see the closet pilot lock on to my fighter. "JUMP!" A sudden lurch and the sound of tearing metal momentarily leave me in shock. As I lean over the dashboard A47 beeps to let me know that the stabilers took a beating when we jumped. "Can you fix it? ... Well try your best while I take control and intercept them at their next rendezvous." She beeps and begins repairing the damage, hopefully. I slowly approach the emerging fleet as the main shuttle begins to do check ins.

"What, how are you here?" The officer whines and I see him taking orders from the side of the frame. The same side as when I mentioned Ahsoka Tano. "Please land on the open bay." He mumbles looking upset.

"Thank you, I do believe that this meeting will be beneficial for both of us."

When I land and get up from the cockpit I am immediately greeted by the two crew members who awkwardly stare at me. "Nice fighter, what kind?" One asks obviously trying to break the silence.

"Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, modified to fight me better though."

"Isn't that a Jedi fighter?"


"Are you a Jedi? You don't look like a Jedi" He asks again scrutinizing my blue hair which is currently held in several braid sections with beaded clips at the moment.

"No." I am mildly annoyed about the last part of the comment, as everyone seems to think force users all have a tell tale sign that comes with them.

"Then how did you get it?"

"Look, enough questions, but if you really must know all it takes is money and the courage to do something different." With that he stiffens and I am led into the main control center. Finally some sort of progress... In the corner my eye is drawn to a well dressed middle age man who seems to be from a high social standing of some sort.

"Welcome." He says coming over to us and I notice that he has very bright eyes, something you don't see in a lot of people now.

"Thank you for having me." I sense someone new come in, they have a connection to the force, a very strong connection.

"What can I do to help you?"

"I am looking for Ahsoka Tano." He raises his eyebrows slightly and I watch him make eye contact with someone behind me so I turn and face a Togruta. "Lady Tano I presume?" She obviously is surprised that I address her as Lady.

"And you are?"

"Call me ... V."

"V, what can I do for you?" She asks carefully as she studies me, seemingly attempting to figure out who I am.

"I believe we have a mutual friend of a sorts." Her eyes lock mine and fear momentarily fills her vivid blue eyes.

"What do you want."

"For you to join us of course." Ahsoka exhales loudly and I watch her reach for her sabers, obviously anticipating disaster.

"Like I told him before, I will not join him."

"Such a shame." I immediately reach for my saber and make a cut towards her head. She reacts quickly and blocks it with easy before yelling for the man to my left to get to safety along with the crew. We move in unison up and down the bridge. I decide to be a little adventurous and attempt to knock her legs out from under her but instead I'm the one who ends up on the flooring with a searing hot pain down my right side.

"I don't want to kill you." She says softly and I stare at her trying not to scream because of the agony I am in. "But I will if I have too." She pleads as I whither in pain,

"Fine, I give up." She nods and collects my sabers. That's the last thing I remember before passing out.



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