Chapter Twenty-One

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I smooth down the silky material that James informed me are called pajamas. Apparently, two-leggeds do not make a practice of sleeping in the same close they face the day in.

Well, except for Brendan, who doesn't appear to sleep in clothes at all. A merperson could never get away with such a feat, since there is always the possibility that the water might carry us away from our bed, and there are laws against such exposure.

Still, I will forgive Brendan this trespass. I have to, for my sisters' sake. He may not be the best choice for the next merking, but I don't need him to be. I only need him to be our present savior.

First, I need to make him fall in love with me, though. And somehow figure out how to fall in love with him.

Smoothing down my pajamas and my hair for the umpteenth time and approach Brendan's closed bedroom door. I've never had a relationship before. Men admired me from afar, but my father would never have permitted their allowance into my presence without my direct request. And I never had time to even think if I wanted to request a suitor. I had a kingdom to help run and six sisters to raise.

But I know I'm beautiful. Hopefully that will be enough.

Fisting my hand in the way I've seen James and Brendan do, I hit it against the latter's door. My knuckles sting, but a sound echoes around, alerting my presence.

I hold my tender hand close to my chest, cradling it.

The door swings open, and Brendan stands on the other side is Brendan, wearing clothing similar to what I had to wear before I got the two-legged version of my customary dresses.

He stares at me blankly for a moment before smiling and leaning against the doorpost. "Astrid. Just the girl I've been wanting to talk to."

Smiling sadly, I nod, wishing I could talk back to him.

Brendan pushes his door the rest of the way open and moves back so I can stride in. Moving past him, I settle on the window seat.

I watch as the man I'm supposed to romance close the door mostly behind us and then start to pace in the middle of the room.

"So, my friends are coming over the day after tomorrow," Brendan begins, raking a hand through his hair. "Don't worry- they'll love you."

My smile becomes a little more forced. I don't want them to love me. I barely want him to love me- but I need it.

"Anyway, one of my soon-to-be ex-friends is bringing my ex-girlfriend with him, and I kind of don't want to seem like I'm single during that time. And, since you probably don't want to get hit on by all the other idiots, I thought we should help each other out and pretend to be a couple."

I cock my head to one side, letting my long hair trail along my hands on my lap.

Groaning, Brendan shakes his head, sending his brown hair flying all around his face. "I'm sorry, that was too out-there. I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that. Just forgot I said that-"

Pursing my lips, I hold up one hand and shake my head. Then I pick up a pad of paper and pen strewn on the floor by my feet and write: Do not be embarrassed. I am just confused on some of these terms: ex, girlfriend, single, hit on, idiots, couple.

Brendan walks over and reads the paper, frowning at first, and then ending his eyebrow at the last. "You really don't understand these terms?"

I nod.

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