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Okay, so I think I'm officially freaking out!
Marie has seen her brothers, Alex knows that her brother goes here and Sofia knows that her sister does and I could swear i saw my sister, or someone that looks like a grown-up version of her.
Maybe i am just imagining things.
'Are you alright, did i say something wrong?' Chiron asked worried. 'You look ill...'
'We're fine Chiron its just been a long trip here,' Emma lied smoothly 'All the walking here from New York and all.' Cleo smiled sweetly and sat down crosslegged on the floor, leaning her head against Ila's leg.
Eliza - who had now calmed down - and Josie giggled as Ila stepped away to stand by Lili, giving Cleo a odd look as she bolted upright and glared at her half-sister.
Chiron gave Cleo a small smile. 'Of course, if any of that was to be true. You do realise that i have been doing this for hundreds of years and that the gods had already notified me of your visit before you even knew of it?' he smiled, 'Its no use trying to lie to me and even if you were telling the truth, i don't think your parents would have let you go that far on your own.'
Emma and Cleo smiled sheepishly.
'Now there are enough seats in here for everyone, so theres no need to sit on the floor.'
I smiled and sat near Emma and Jennie, while Ila, Lili, and Alex sat together.
Josie sat next to Eliza, Lyd sat by Sofia and Rach.
Cassie and Josie sat in two of the remaining seats and Madi and Marie wondered over to that last two.
'You've done this before i presume?' Chiron asked as we all sat down simultaneously.
We all laughed.
I think we're gunna like it here!

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