
"You know what to do." James chuckles, saluting the blue paladin; the rest of the graduates from their class getting in a formation, following his lead. Civilians move to the sides of the room as per order from Commander Iverson as Lance grabs Keith's hand, tugging him to his feet.

"What are you doing? What's happening?" Keith begins to question, passing by the now saluting Paladins of Voltron; walking down the stairs by his saluting mother and her mate who holds both of the twins by their hands as they could both stand on their own.

Making their way to the center of the room, Lance faces his omega; taking a deep breath as he takes a hold of both of his hands. "Lance?"

"We've know each other for years. Three years to be exact, even if you never paid me much mind. I've forced myself to dislike you as a way to prove that my attraction to you was just jealousy. That was obviously a lie. I've struggled to accept that I felt something strong, something that could potentially be beautiful. Accepting this feeling has led to us; led to Voltron. I've learned to trust my instincts, believe in others and give forgiveness because of you. I learned that not all could change and that we have to push through the aspects of life that just won't budge." Lance begins as Keith searches his blue orbs, still at an utter loss of words. "There's so much that I learned from you about how to be a better person that I can't just put into simple words. How to put your trust in others, how to have faith when the going gets tough. You have your flaws, you let it show. But to me, you're perfect, you're priceless. You mean everything to me and I love you more each and every single day."

"Lance, what are you...?" Keith trails off, seeing his alpha get down onto one knee with the brightest smile on his face; tears making his way to his eyes. "Lance..."

"You're not human, you're not alien, you're not an object. You are you; an imperfect being who has been wronged his entire life. But in spite of all of your hardships, you've became a powerful being of meaning. You mean everything to everyone you encounter. But most importantly you mean everything to me." Lance reaches into his pocket, shielding the item in his hand as it's small as Keith bites his lip; glancing around the very silent room. "Now I don't know how long we have left until this war ends. As Slav would say, there are infinite possibilities as to what happens next. But what I hope happens is that you say yes to sharing the good and the bad times with me and our child. That you say yes to sharing a life with me as I try to keep you happy. So Akira 'Keith' Kogane. Would you make me the happiest guy on this and every planet in the entire multiverse and become my Mr.Blue Lion?"

Lance pulls the cover on the ring box, revealing two rings: the silver band with the black diamond specifically picked out for Keith and a golden band with a red ruby for the kneeling alpha.

Keith covers his mouth, breaking down as he falls to both of his knees; staring right into his alpha's eyes in complete shock. "Y-You..."

Lance quickly sets the rings on the floor, opening his arms up for his omega who leans forward into his arms; running a hand through his hair and the fur on his ears. "Was it too much? I'm sorry... you don't have to answer right now."


"I mean it did come from out of nowhere and it was in front of so many people. We can wait, I think."

"Lance." He shifts in the tanned alpha's arms, pulling back to look up at him.

"I'm so sorry for pushing this on you. You should be focused on the baby and here I am-!"

"Yes, Lance! The answer is yes, Lance!" Keith shouts over him with a bright smile on his face as he continues to look his alpha in the eyes; tears still streaming down his face.

Lance freezes for a second before the widest of grins covers his face from cheek to cheek; pulling the omega closer before placing a deep and passionate kiss on his lips, both sinking into the feeling as the room bursts into congratulations as a banner is released from the stage; showcasing the words 'Congratulations Keith and Lance!' with pictures of mini baby bottles, wedding arches and doves in various shades of pastel blues and pinks.

Lance picks up the rings, taking Keith's left hand and slipping the silver band on his ring finger; Keith doing the same to Lance after he finishes before the alpha helps them both up before Keith tackles him in another hug, getting swung around by his very happy alpha.

"I love you. I love you so much." Lance cries out as Keith still has tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I love you too. Thank you."


Info for the epilogue chapters:

There's gonna be a 5 year timeskip after I write the wedding and labor of the kid because I know how much you guys would love that, it's going to be 5 chapters long instead of 10 because the fact that there isn't much to write for wrapping up ends.

I love you guys, hope you enjoyed the book and I'll see you guys in another story.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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