France Challange

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France: Hello! France the wolf here and I have a challange!

Me: What is it?

France: You readers have to guess who's the ??? Guy! If you don't get it! Ate won't publish the 2nd book!

Me: Now we have a new antagonist everyone! (LOL)

France: But there are clues! Ate!

Me: Okay!

- He is from archie comics.
- One of Shadow's worse enemy ever face.
- he have a strange eyes (alien)
- and his name came from a state of a moon.

France: Who is this?! Now comment and if atleast one of you get the right answer! We're gonna publish the book 2!

Me: Don't be mad of me people! He force me! Plus I would publish it now if it wasn't for him!

France: Ayehehehehe!

Me: I hope you get the right answer! God bless!!

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now