What are friends for

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Me: I notice..
Sonic: You notice what?
Me: The last chapter has 45 viewers while the older ones only have 13, 14, 20.. Why is that?
Sonic: Simple.. More viewers got shocked on what you just wrote yesterday.
Chapter 27

Noa POV.

France. He's different. There he was hiding in the shadow of the cage where Rouge once locked me. After he comes out of the dark, I cried. His eyes that was once brown is now RED like Shadow, his form is now a wolf. His fur is silver with blue strikes, he have a red highlight on his eyes (like Shadow's red highlight on his eyes) and he has fangs. What happened to him. What happened to my human cousin who is now a wolf?!

I feel both happy and sad at the same time when I saw him. France break the cage and walk towards me. He remove the rope around me with his new claws. France...

Noa:... France? Is that you?

I place my hand on his furry cheak. My gold eyes met his red with confusion and worries. His eyes starts to water and instantly hug me.

France: It's me sis! (Hugs her crying) Eggman mutated me!! He put a DNA of a wolf inside me so he could unlock the secret of mutation! He's used me as a trial for mutating.. You!

Noa: What? What is Eggman planning France?!

France: Ate.. Eggman is planning to use the chaos emeralds power to take over the world! At first he tried it to himself but he failed because only mobians can do that. That's why when he found out that you manage to hold half the power of the chaos emeralds, instantly he desired to catch you and use your power to finish what he started!

Noa: So he's planning to use my power to take over the world. But what about mutation?

France: since you're to powerful, Eggman thought that if he change you into a mobian, you're power will be more capable on using it. And also! You know the Krang? TMNT? Eggman team up with them so he could mutate us. As for exchange, Eggman must unlock the secret of mutation to prove that mobians came from human DNA. And if he did, he would transform your friends into pure animals!!!

Noa: Oh no..

We're not safe here... There planing eliminate Sonic and his friends and mutate me. We must get out of here.

*Back to Shadow*

Shadow POV.
(Time 12:00 pm)
I woke up in a pain in my side. Augh it hurts. I tried to open my eyes but I got dazzle on the light. I feel to much pain. Where am I? I then heard annoying voices.

???: I think he's coming to his senses (Sonic)

???: Poor Shadow... (Tails)

I try to open my eyes again and there Sonic's face is the first thing I saw.

Sonic: (teasing) Rise and shine Shadz!!

Shadow: (startled) AAAHHHH!!!!

Tails: Shadow calm down! It's us!

Grr Sonic! He almost put me to sleep again! Grr. Tails put a hand in my back to calm me down. Boy what an embarrassing moment. I saw I was at my house sitting on the coach.

Omega: Are you okay?

Shadow: No. thanks to Sonic.

Sonic: Sarry...

I then feel the pain in my side again. I look at my wound and notice it was bandage around my stomach. As I lay my eyes on it... I remember what happened to Noa.

Shadow: Noa!

Tails: Shadow! What happened! Where's Noa?!

Oh no! She's out there in danger! I tried to stand up but after I manage to get out of the coach, I instantly fell on the floor. Sonic help me up and place me back at the coach.

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now