Date part 2

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Me: Hey guys! It's me Rinoa/Noa and I'm here to say thank you for giving me 1K viewers and sorry about how I act in the last chapter.. I'm just so sad to know that one of my friends is bullied. Anyways Wow I'm not expecting to have so many viewers..
France: Well you know what they say. Sometimes, life doesn't go the way you expect.
Me: Big hero 6 huh? Anyways, thank you!!! And here's the actual date!
Rouge: Well to bad I'll go between you two!
Shadow: try that and I'll throw you to Mt. Mayon!
Rouge: And what is Mt. Mayon?
France: Your future grave if you won't get out of the AUTHOR'S NOTE!!!!
Rouge: (leave)
Noa: Bitch? She called me Bitch?! Why don't she look at the mirror FIRST!!! That's what people always do to me!!!
Shadow: Well now things change.. All we have to do is to understand Rouge.
France: Kuya Shadow.. Why is she doing it anyways?
Shadow: You'll find out soon.

Chapt. 23

Here we go.. Shadow and I walk out of the house and head towards his motor bike (I love Shadow's bike!!~Noa).

Shadow: Hop in.

Shadow sat on his bike and put his helmet on his head. He handed me another helmet.

Noa: okay.. But I have to say I've never ride on a motorcycle before. (Sits on the bike)

Shadow: So you're afraid? Don't worry, as long as I'm around, you'll be safe and sound. Just trust me.. Okay.

He smiles at me. Those charming smiles of his always makes me happy. I put the helmet on my head.

Shadow: hold onto me if you want.

Noa: Okay..

With that, off we go! BROM BROM!!! It was so fast. (Not fast as Sonic Ofcourse)

Noa: So where are you taking me anyways Shadz?

Shadow: Hmph.. Secret!

Noa: Come on!

Shadow: Don't worry.. You're gonna like it!

Well Shadow's my best friend.. And I trust him. This is going better and better or is it?

Up to those trees near us.. There a white jealous bat was hidding waiting for her perfect time to get between us.

Rouge: Shadow's mine! And no freak like you Noa can take him away from me!!!

Will our date be okay?

(Time Skip)

After some time, Shadow take me to the movies. Wow! Now this is an actual date.

Shadow: You said you love movies right.. What do you think?

Noa: It's perfect Shadow.

Shadow: So what movie will we watch?

Noa: I don't know.. What are available?

Shadow: Titanic, Son of God, Passion of the Christ, Big Hero 6 and.. The flash.

Noa: Hmph.. I haven't watch Passion of the Christ before!

Shadow: Interested?

Noa: Sure.. Are you okay with that?

Shadow: You kidding me! I'm dying to watch that movie before!

Noa: Well then what are we waiting for!

Shadow: Let's go!!

Yeah.. Best friends on the outside but lovers inside. I can't believe Shadow could be religious even if his created by a human, not God but he does seems to have a good relation with Jesus. With that we buy tickets and watch "Passion of the Christ" (I'm religious okay, forgive me~Noa/Author)

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now