Story Of My Life

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Chapt. 2*4 years later*

Noa POV.

My life has became a world of curiosity after that incident. Hi, the name's Noa. I'm a white skinned Fillipino with brown eyes, long rebounded hair and 5'2 in height. I am a huge fan of anime, one of a kind girl, imaginative, loner, optimistic, shy but wise in words. 4 years later after that event, I change a lot. When I was younger I always smile, laugh and friendly but when I grew into a teenager, it change into the opposite. Now today is a big day. As the sun shines so bright, you could hear the chickens shout from your sleep. I gently open my eyes and lift my back.

Noa: .... Augh....Monday... School... Joy... ( not actually joy)

I jump out of my bed and open my window.

Noa: Master... Thank you for the sun.

I go to my dressing room to get dress. Well since I go to school, I wore my inform, fix my hair and run down stairs to have breakfast with my family. My mom is the very first one to great me.

Noa's mom: Morning anak.

Noa: Morning Mommy. So what do we have here?

Noa's mom: eggs and some bacon.

This is my life. I'm only a 14 year old human who goes to a school that was full of nice teachers but they have students who came from the underworld (not literally). I'm no hero or supernatural but I'm good in so many things but no one things this is true. My life is just normal and no fantasy can be spotted but... They are curiosity. As my tricycle service fetch me to school I'm shaking.

Noa's mind: I am not brave nor am I strong. I am nothing. Lord please use some kind of miracle to make them stop..

I have reasons why I'm saying these and the reason that stand the most is....

Bully#1: hey look!! There she is!!

Them... This is my life. I'm happy at home but I feel like I'm surrounded by devils when I'm approach by some jerks I know... Haru dios ko!!!


At school I never talk to much, I don't have friends but I have enemies... So many... I tried to look away but there devils

Bully#2: I don't think so naive! Where are you going!!!

Bully#3: also, what makes you so special just to leave a VIP.

Noa: (scared)

I don't want to fight back coz it will only make it worse. I really want to cry but I have to be strong. There I don't talk but I pray.

Noa's mind: Jesus!!! A little help will be a great blessing..

Bully#3: she doesn't say a word!

Bully#1: well then!! Let's force her!

Oh no. I close my eyes as he was about to punch me but.. Miracle happened. I'm just glad my cousin pass by.

France: (block his punch) Hey! What's going on here?! You three again? Ow men, aren't you getting tired of bullying innocent people or are you guys sharpening those 10 horns of yours?

Oh no! France! You shouldn't have done that ! The bullies grab him from his shirt and lift him up. Oh no no no no! There gonna beat him to death!

Bully#2: What did you just say?! You should learn to give respect to the people who's 2 years older than you!!

France: Why don't you said it yourself instead.. Di nga kayo marunong rumespeto. (In English "those dorks doesn't respect anyone... I mean Everyone)

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