The new bridge to destiny

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Note: Before I start this chapter, I would like to say Thankyou for reading this... I really can't believe someone would like to try this .. My class mates says my stories are lame and some would even bullied me.. But They were wrong, thanks to those Sonic fans who give there time just to try this fanfic I made... Since I update again I'm telling you that I am also working on another story which is called "Wizards of Jaricus". Go check my wattpad page if you can't find it. You might found it interesting so why not try it. If you like it, tnx and if not.. It's okay, I respect your judgement.

Chapt. 8

Shadow POV.

This day is one of the most important day that I would never forget. In the beginning... The only thing I could do to her is to watch her from the distance, but now.. I am here to protect her closely.. I could even make friends with her if I can... Bahala na si lord (Translation: Lord will handle it)

Sonic: Shadow? Shadow?! Shadow! Hey! Shadow I'm calling you!!! Are you deaf?! Hey!

The battle awhile ago, I could say brutal since I almost lose in the battle and got this... Stupid cut... Oh katanas really keeps in in trouble. As the cool breeze can be felt from Tails' window, I keep looking in the floor thinking as the yellow fox ravels some bandage in my deep cut. What am I thinking you ask? Well here it is... Is bringing Noa in our shade is a wise choice? Can I even talk to her? Can I even tell her that I failed to save her cousin.. I mean seriously!!! I made a promise to her... And I broke it.. Nice Shadow.. Nice, what will be my first impression for her now? Napaka galing! (Translation: very nice/good) I keep on thinking until Sonic poke my ear using a Bo- staff. Ouch! Where did he even get that?

Sonic: (Poke Shadow using a bo-staff) hey Shaddy!

Shadow: Ouch! Hey what was that for?!

Sonic: you didn't hear me? Are you deaf? I've been shouting your "PANGALAN" which Silver says is "Name" in English and you aren't even responding! Are you okay bro? Is it your arm?

Shadow: Sonic.. I don't cry when it comes in LITTLE wounds and... Of course I'm okay, why won't I?

Sonic: 2 reasons.. One you are always serious that you think to much and second is that you still don't know how to approach her... Tama ba? ( Translation: Am I right?)

I roll my eyes, annoyingly accept that he is right. Still I move put of that conversation and look at my bandaged arms.

Shadow: Nice bandaging Tails.

Tails: Thanks Shadow.. It's really deep you know but you'll be okay in no time.

Shadow: and how about Noa?

Tails: She lost to much energy but thanks to Sonic's power ring, she will recover... But I don't know when will she wake up..

Shadow: Oh.....

Silver: It's okay Shadow. A little praying will help. Simple but powerful.

Shadow: You're right. Thanks.

I smiled shyly at Silver. It got boring for a while until we heard Noa grunt in her rest.

Shadow:.. Tails can I go now? My legs aren't involve in my arm cut you know?

Tails: Well of course.. A.. Just don't pressure your arm okay.


I look at the 12 year old fox ( last 4 years ago in chapter 1, he is 8 so 4 years later... His 12 like France) and nodd. I then stand up and head towards the door and open it but before I could leave..

Silver: You're leaving? I thought you're gonna help Noa?

Sonic: You still shy to talk to the human you are guarding huh? Tama ba?

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now