New purpose part 1

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Chapt. 9
- before I start another chapter, will it be okay if I keep putting some hillsongs? Comment please so we'll see in the future updates.

Shadow POV.

Life is unpredictable. You will never know what will come. At first I'm so shy to confront Noa, I'll just pray to God to give me a courage to talk to her but... Now I'm laughing at our jokes. Wow she's a good companion once you get to know her. After having a comfort talk in a tree.. We decided to have a walk. But since I don't want to make it quiet for her, we joke around. Hey I admit that I also joke but... Only in my head... Until now.

Noa: Why did Sonic has to bring a beater while fighting Egghead?

Shadow: Why?

Noa: Because he need it to "BEAT" Eggman!!

Shadow: hahahahaha!! Good one!

Noa: You have anything?

Shadow: I'm no good I'm making jokes that way but a story might do the trick.

Noa: Okay.. I'll try it..

Shadow: Hmph... Well there was a mother caterpillar who wants to bring her son to the market. Well they were suppose to leave but The mother notice that her son is so slow so she yelled "Son! What taking you so long?!" Then her son said.... "Because I'm tying my SHOES!"

Noa: pft.. Hahahahaha!!!

Don't get it? How many legs does a caterpillar have? And how many minuets will he consume in putting those feet on those shoes and tying them?! Get it now? Good... Wow this is the first time I've finally release those funny stories I made just to forget my problems... Well thanks to Noa I can be who I am without being teased.

Noa: That was funny..

Shadow: I thought you won't get it..

Noa: I easily understand some hidden meanings like that.

Shadow: How? Are you some sorta.. A writer?

Noa: Yes... You could say that.. (Shadow nodd)

Now to change the topic I ask her some personal questions.. I know I already know Noa a lot since I've been watching her for 4 years but I want her to express herself... I want her to stop concealing her true feelings and be who she is.

Shadow: So... Where do you live?
Noa: I live in the Phillipines.. You?
Shadow: Mostly here... But I do admit that I often visits your country.
Noa: Really?
Shadow: Yes... Well I actually Know how to speak Tagalog..
Noa: You do?! Okay translation... What is the Tagalog of shadow?
Shadow: Hmph... Napaka Dali naman nyan! (Translation: It's so easy)
Noa:... Okay.. I guess you really know how..
Shadow: (Smiled) I guess so... Well I actually know it for a very long time.. Since I was created actually.
Noa: You mean... You already know my language ever since you are unleashed?
Shadow: Exactly.. And the Tagalog of Shadow is "Anino" right?

She smiled and nod at me... Wow she has a pretty smile! But that doesn't mean I'm in love okay..

Shadow: Since we are now friends... We could tell the things we can't tell to others..
Noa: Well.. I'm not good in making friends and... Opening with others.. Well you started it.
Shadow: I'll ask first.

Okay I will ask some of the questions to her that I don't know... The things that only she knows since I'm always a distance from her.

Shadow: So what's your favorite color?
Noa:.... I don't really know... Maybe Red-Violet.
Shadow: Like those streaks of yours? (Point)
Noa: Hehe.. about you?
Shadow: Mine also has Red... Well black and red.
Noa: wow! We have a lot of common!
Shadow: Agree...

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now