New chapter and a note

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Hey guys if you see the characters lines with an asterisk like this * inside a parenthesis, it means there mind is talking instead of there mouth like this

France: (*Ate Noa is somewhat mysterious at times, she's very good in hiding both feelings, emotion and things)

Get it? Hope you enjoy it. Vote, comment and if you want to request a bible verse.. Make sure to message me, okay. God bless


Chapt. 13

Noa POV.

As usual.. It will be the same or will it?

???: I will!!

Sonic: You will? (In shock)

There, a lilac cat step infront of us and nod. To describe her I could say she's.... Naturally beautiful not like Rouge who has to wear alots of crayons. She is wearing a violet jacket (favorite color!!~Author) with a red-violet lace on her, her eyes is Gold same like both mine and Silver and she also have a ruby gem on her forehead like Raven in teen titans. I could say we're in the same age or she might be 8 months older.

Tails: That's so nice of you Blaze!

Rouge: Of course she will! She's no different to that girl!

Shadow: Rouge!! If you can't say anything nice, well just shut up!

Rouge: Fine..(roll eyes)

She and I have an eye contact. Why would she be interested to join me in her own room? It's so new. I could say we're exchanging the same facial expression.

Blaze: So you're Noa? Now this is what I called Religious.

Noa: Yeah.. So you must be.. Blaze? Fire or something.

Blaze: (Nod) I was born with it. So why are you after by Eggman?

Noa: Oh.. He founds out that I have summon a power from a chaos emerald.. Which he said because of this, I'm sorta a half of a chaos emerald.

Blaze: How did you summon it?

Noa: I don't know.. Well let's just say that is a mystery I would wish to know.. I wish it didn't choose me as it vessel.. If I didn't, Eggman won't be needing to kidnap my cousin.. (Fighting her tears)

Shadow: (blushes) oh no...

Blaze: I know how pressure it is to be chased by an evil person. He even kidnap your cousin But don't worry.. You will be safe in my hands now. You now have us.. We will protect you and save your cousin. Will it be okay for you?

Noa : It depends on you... (Trying to be optimistic)

Blaze: Okay. (Smiles)

I could say she's nice... Very nice. I can say we will have a good friendship.... If my unsocial aspect won't affects us.

Sonic: okay! Now that someone is generous enough to help you Noa. You can now go back home to tell your parents that you'll be staying with us for now.

Noa: Oh yeah.. (Whisper)... Nag-aalala na siguro sila. (Translation: They might be worried now)

Blaze: I'll go with you. Incase you need someone to help you pack your things!

Silver: And I'll go with you two incase Egghead ambush you again.

I notice Sonic and Shadow have a good smile towards Silver.. It's like a teasing smile? (Sorry I'm a Silvaze fan for a very long time~Author) Silver notice this and give them a death glare with a blush.

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now