The choice/ feelings

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Chapter 18

Noa POV.

For many years this is the first time I told someone how I feel.. I never knew sharing a word with someone can help you remove your stress instead of concealing it.

Noa: Until now I'm still wondering who he is.

Shadow: (blushes) ... Well, who ever he is.. He must be a nice guy.. Why would he help you if doesn't have a heart anyway? (Hidding something)

Noa: Sigh.. Your right. But do you think he's the reason why?

Shadow: I.. I don't know but.. Maybe. (Sweating)

While we're talking, I notice Shadow's shaking.. What's his problem? Well sure I'm worried about him. His my cru- I mean.. New Best Friend.. And you know how several my friends are right.. And I don't want to lose any of it.

Noa: Shadow? Are you okay?

Shadow: me? Ofcourse! I'm fine (smiles) why did you ask?

Noa: I'm just.. Worried at you, that's all. (Smiles)

Shadow POV.

She's worried? Oh no here comes the heart beat again! No one ever felt worried to me.. No one but Maria but now she's dead. Jesus, are you planning something that involve this girl? But even though I felt happy that someone cares for me.

Shadow: Thank you..

Noa: (blushes) For what?

Shadow: For caring for me.. No one has ever did that to me before.. Except for Maria but.. She's dead.

Noa: I'm sorry for losing Maria.

Shadow: Na it's okay.. But I'm glad you understand me. Thank you.

Noa: (blushes) (*Did he just.. Thank me?*) your welcome.

There was a moment of silence.. Yeah antisocial! I tried to start a conversation..

Shadow: Anyways Noa.. Why did your sketch pad flew anyway? Are you confuse or something..

Noa: Now that's a lucky guess. Yes I am.. Confuse.

Shadow: Of what?

Well looks like I'm not the only one confuse this morning. Noa has a large curiosity and some says that being curios makes someone smart... And I believe she knows that.

Noa: it's Blaze... She offers me her help on controlling my powers.

Shadow: And what's the problem?

Noa: I'm afraid she would think the same! Why do you think I force myself to do things alone! I don't... I don't want to end the same way.

Finally she cried.. Poor Noa, so traumatized. I really don't know what kind of feeling is this but everytime I see Noa.. All I could feel is happiness and.. Caring. What is this feeling? But seeing Noa crying makes my heart breaks.

Shadow: (wip her tears) You know.. I'm starting to think there just jealous of you. Just let it go and feel free to show your talents. Just be brave..

Noa: What if I fail for the first time?

Shadow: Hmph.. Learn from your mistake. First time isn't always the best. Just don't give up Okay.. Believe in yourself.. Trust the way God made for you. He has so many plans for you.. And he's preparing you.

Noa: (smiles) Thankyou.. I may not know what it is but Im starting to see why God gave me you.

Shadow: (Blushes)

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now