Noa's past

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Me: (looking for something in her cabinet) Oh no no no!!! Where is it?
France: (curious) What are you looking for Ate?
Me: I'm looking for my Leonardo Artwork! Have you seen it?
France: I think I saw it in the trash can yesterday..
Me: Say what?!!!!! (Grab France's T-Shirt) why didn't you told me yesterday!
France: Sorry.. You didn't ask me..
Noa: Oh fine... (Drop France) I'll just draw Leo again.

*After 40 minuets*

Me: Here it is ZoeandShade , sorry if it doesn't look exactly like the Leo in the new TMNT tv show. I haven't draw leo for a very long time.
France: I think it's okay sis. Plus you did your best. Add that Ate had shrink her eraser while drawing leo!
Me: Francis!!! (Eyes turned orange)
France: Another reason is that this is the second time ate draws it.. (Run)
Chapt. 17

Shadow POV.

I was walking on the park. I was suppose to be heading towards our G.U.N Headquarters to do a report and ask them to help me find Eggman's location but... When I saw Noa struggling with her powers.. My heart sinks. This is all my fault. I step towards her and reach to held her shoulder. She needs me- I mean.. Someone.

Shadow: Just Calm down.. The more you're afraid, the more your powers won't trust you.

Noa: Shadow?

Our eyes meets... Oh not again! *Dug* *Dug* *Dug* *Dug* . Man I really need to ask someone about this heart beating issue. I smiled at her. I may look calm and cool but deep down there is an earthquake in me . But bravely without shaking, I sit right next to her.

Shadow: it's alright.. I'll help you.

Noa: Thankyou.

Shadow: here.. Deep breath.. Remove your stress.

Noa: (did what he said)

Shadow: Now, concentrate at the sketch pad and gently place it down by using your mind.. You can do it. Put those fear aside and you will succeed.

Noa: I'll try.

I know she can.. The reason why she sometimes fail is because when the first time she did, everyone laughs at her so she is scared of trying again. But deep down I know she can! She just have to let go of her trauma and do her best. Noa place all her attention on the sketch pad and it slowly lands in the ground.

Noa: I did it.. I really did.

Shadow: Ofcourse you did Noa. You're a fast learner but your afraid.. Remember, mind powers' main enemy is Fear, anger and confusion.. Remember that.

Noa: I will.. Looks like being a psychic is very hard.

Shadow: Like Silver, He said the same.

My eyes was place on her sketch pad that lands in the ground. I've been watching Noa for 4 years and I witness her artistic works so many times.. I could say she could be an animator someday but because of her fear and those downed words her classmate give her, she is so afraid to share her talents.. None of her classmates didn't even notice this.. I'm the only one who does.

Shadow: I'll go get it.

Noa: A-

Before she could say a word I quickly ran towards it. A white sketch pad was there.. 7 inches long while 5 in wide. I notice it's open revealing... Leonardo (the drawing). I took it and look how beautiful it was sketched.

Noa: (blushes) D- don't look at it! (Tries to cover it) It isn't that good.

Shadow: Really? I actually think it's awesome.

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now