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Yeah this will be the last chapter of book 1.. But it's not yet the end.. There is still a certain alien who wanted revenge for Shadow. He'll be on the book 2. I can't wait to start it!


Noa POV.

After having that romantic moment, we head back to our friends while holding hands. There we notice Our friends have a good time.. Silver talking to Blaze, France and Tails are showing some techs, Sonic and Knuckles teasing eachother while Rouge listening to Cream and cheese's story.. Wow.

As we get out of the door and approach them, I saw France face filled with joy when he saw me. Finally his back.. Even though his face and eyes change.. The France I Love and Care is still there. Quickly with his wolf speed, he hugged me very tight.

France: ate! (Hugged her) I miss you.

Noa: I miss you two bro.. (Hugged back)

As we break the hug, I notice something stupid to him. Sonic came in and put an arm on Shadow's shoulder.

Noa: even thought we're now mobians, you're still taller than me!

Sonic&Shadow: Haha..

Sonic: France! You're a giant! Hahaha!

France: Well! What can I say! You will always be the smallest even though you're the oldest!

Yep! Different in face but same at heart. I hit him on the back of his head and he chuckles. I could say France is the combination of Tails and Sonic. He have those Jokes, adventurer, pure heart and signature smile like Sonic. He also have Tails innocence, intelligence and hobbies.

Shadow: Welcome Back France!

France: Thank you Shadow.

France POV.

Now I'm safe and back with ate Noa with some new pack of cool friends. I'm so happy to see ate Noa and it got more happier when I saw ate and Shadow holding hands together.

Oh my!

France: (saw) Ate.. Are you two.. Together?!

Ate Noa and Shadow first look at eachother with a smile (like inlove) before looking back at me with those red streaks on there cheek. Ate Spoke.

Noa: Well.. Yes.. Yes we are.

Oh great, here comes a pink hedgehog name.. Amy? (Is it?) instantly she give ate and Shadow a painful hug! Aray! (Help me~Noa/Author). There she screamed like a crazy fangirl as she hugged them. What a poor hedgehogs.

Amy: Aaahhhhh!!!!!!! How cute Noa!!!! Finally Shadow fell inlove!!!!! (Can someone pull her away~Noa/Author)

Noa&Shadow: Hehehehe (water drop fell on there forehead anime style)

Noa: (*Amy.. Never changed*)

Soon as Amy let go, both of them fell on the ground catching there breath. Wow, atleast there not letting there hands go.

You guys must be asking, am I approve on there love for eachother? The first time I saw Shadow with Ate, there I already knew there meant to be together. Yes is my answer plus.. This is the first time I saw Ate really happy. She's always sad at home but now.. There she is.

Noa: Hehehe.. Even though got torture by the hug.. I still feel happy.

Shadow: Yeah.. I feel the same.

Shadow POV.

I feel joy.. I haven't felt this for year. I swift Noa's hair back on her (new) Ear to see her face more. After that we both stand up. There I heard a flap of a wings before looking up to the sky of dawn. There I saw Rouge landing towards us.

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now